First Day

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So far, today has been pretty good despite a rather terrible morning. Tsu'tey was gone when I woke up. Which left me a terrified shaking mess in the hammock, terrified that I might fall out if I tried to leave it on my own. It was about an hour before someone found me on the verge of tears.

I was brought to the Tsahik who somehow managed to calm me down. She asked why Tsu'tey wasn't with me. When I told her that Tsu'tey left me there she narrowed her eyes in aggravation and lead me to a group of women teaching some of the youths and after a brief exchange, I was left with the women.

It was actually really fun being apart of their class. The teachers or "storytellers" had me tell the children about our stories of earth. It was really hard coming up with any good stories about earth. Most of what I had to tell them was about war, disease and various extinctions. The childrens expressions, which could only be described as confused horror, made me think of how oblivious I was on earth. I lived for years on earth just falling into step with everyone else. Completely ignorant to just how terrible we treated the earth, our own home. Sure I knew humans were terrible, but the emotion of it never really set in until now.

I quickly changed the subject by encouraging the kids to ask questions. Their moods changed as the questions began to fire rapidly. 'Why do you have 5 fingers?', 'What do you eat?', 'Do all skypeople look like you?'. I looked to the storytellers for help, whom just sat aside chuckling.

When the class was over, a few of the tribes women took me to go foraging. On our way to the foraging spots, I caught a glimpse of Jake falling of a Direhorse. Shaking my head with a laugh, I continued with the women in to the forest.

I was delightfully surprised to find that many of the foods we collected were the same as the ones we grew in the enclosure. However, according to some of the women many of the plants I considered weeds in the enclosure, were actually used to make the food taste better. As if pandorian food could get any better.

After we collected enough foraged goods, I was lead to an area where I assume they plan to cook the collected foods.

I was given a bowl and a random assortment of seeds to crush into flour. As I crushed the seeds with the women, talk began to rise.

Oddly enough I found myself joining in on some of their conversations. I hadn't felt this relaxed since I arrived on pandora. It was nice, but then one women asked a question that I didn't really know how to awnser. *Which of us would you take as a mate if you could?*

I stopped crushing the seeds and gulped as I looked around at all the curious women, who's eyes were piercing through me.

*Um, well, none of you.* I said nervously.

They all narrowed their eyes, looking rather hurt. I nervously rung my hands and tried to think of how to put this.

*I mean, you are all extremely beautiful but...*

*But what?* One woman asked.

*But I'm not interested in, women." I said looking away. For all I know, I might be sent away for having these kind of feelings toward males. Grace never taught me about how the Na'vi viewed homosexuality. Though to be fair, it's not like she was really able to find out.

I looked down and shut my eyes, waiting for the women to respond negatively.

*So, men?* One asked. I nodded slowly, remaining quite.

*Why mate with another man?* another asked.

I took in a breath and wondered, 'had they never heard of this before?'

*Well, where I come from love isn't bound by nature. Some men find other men attractive and some women find other women attractive. I'm one of those men who find men attractive.*

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