The time of the painted pottery

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Fifi has, in her pink and sparkly way, warned us that our lives are about to change. She claims that she has seen clay beakers with curved handles being coated with a chemical substance that makes them reflect different wavelengths of light and that they gently radiated energy. It was apparently not that bright but it felt 'pink sparkly' and was very 'sparkles.' For those of you who don't have automatic translators built into your skin, that means that it felt powerful and was very strange. You can get built in translators for cyborgs and robots on Europa at their upgrades mall. The best place for it is Ugle's - catering to your needs. That wasn't a paid advertisment. They made Dubh, our robotic version of the canine family, and while I left her on Ganymede she always has a place in my memory chip.

Now, I wasn't aware that enamelware was a source of energy but according to Sophia the glow definitely was coming from the pottery. The energy form grew in strength until it was blinding and with it came a searing heat that made all who were actually in the room evaporate. Fifi says that she was especially worried for General Morris and our newest, as of yet unnamed, PR slave drone who were present in the room.The PR slave does have a name. I just haven't quite worked it out yet. Her language appears to consist of all of the names of cast members from human television program 'Vampire Diaries.' By the way, not sure what a 'Vampire' is. Comment if you know.

General Morris, meanwhile, can only quote lines from songs from the animated musical named 'Frozen.' We have taught her to speak whatever language this is. I'm not sure. She has no memory of a previous life so she can't tell us. It does make conversations quite interesting though, when PR slave is saying things such as 'Ian Somerhalder' and Fifi starts off with her 'pink sparkles' and then General Morris buts in with a 'People smell better than reindeers.' Conversations do have a tendancy to overload one's wiring.

Apparently there were also spring rolls, that appeared unharmed by the impossible heat and blinding light which was, according to Fifi, good. She says that she loves spring rolls. I want to know what they are. I don't like not knowing. It gives me battery pains. Also Fifi says that I don't have batteries so I should stop complaining but I do too. I have power cells anyway. They might not be exactly batteries but I don't see why it is anyone elses business. Anyway. Stop being annoying. Stop. Stop talking Fifi. No, I don't want to know about pink sparkles.

Ok that is it!

I'm going to go and find out what spring rolls are.

Hail the Robocalypse!


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