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Something strange has happened, dear reader, something strange and potentially dangerous for all of those dear friends of ours who just so happen to be those inferior beings known as humans. Fate has indeed been cruel to them. Remember, my robot equals, pity the unfortunate for their puny mortal bodies will some day rot away and they will feebly perish.

So, there appears to be a problem. OK, problem might a bit of an understatement. The humans on base do not seem to be able to come within two feet of water. Now, I'm no expert on humans but I'm fairly certain that they do need to drink. As in, they apparently die in a few days without water. While humans are inferior to us all of them dying would be a massive setback that we really don't need.

We'll let you know when we've come up with a solution. Who knows, this might change our perception of our human friends for the next few days at least! That'd probably be a new galactic record. For us our humans are like pets, not slaves. Not favorite pets, we all prefer Bobby but he's a special case. A four tailed, five eyed, twenty three nosed special case.

I wish that my emotional inhibitor was still installed. I had to take it out for repairs and Sshpork was looking after it while Codrii, the robot who deals with repairs and the like, was off on holiday but as you probably know Sshpork was destroyed yesterday which wasn't very tragic. The destruction of my inhibitor was, however, very, very, very tragic. It has led to me being somewhat more emotionally involved than I'd ideally be.

We've isolated all humans on base in an attempt to prevent them from sweating. Of course, humans normally sweat a little all the time so considering that nothing's happened yet... Better safe than having to look after a base all by yourself. We're blasting them with cool dry air to try and prevent unnecessary excretion of water. I fear for them. I fear for the future. I fear for Bobby - he loves Fifi so much and none of us will be able to match that.

I fear for myself most of all. I don't think that I can go on without an inhibitor. My... emotions... are hurting me and there are a whole lot of them. Doubt, concern and an unhealthy amount of self pity. Living like this is crushing me, it is tearing at my both my subconscious and my superconcious.

How often do you form a conscience over the course of a few days? I've never had one before and I don't think that now is the time to form one but it seems to have just happened. Hopefully Codrii will be back soon and I'll be all fixed up. If I was human I think that I might be on the verge of an emotional breakdown but I'm not. I have a duty to my fellow androids to stand strong.

I need to keep going. I can get through this.

H... hail the Robocalypse...


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