Chapter Nine

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Emma's POV
Before I could stop myself I started to lean in and I couldn't believe it Michael was leaving in too. Just as our lips were about to touch we jumped apart at the sound of my ringtone going off sounded through the air. I jumped back and ran to get my phone and saw it was Madeline. I quickly answered the phone

"Emma where are you!?"

"Breathe Maddie I'm at Michael's. Didn't you get my note?"

"Oh look at that a note sitting on the counter telling me you are at Michael's for practice. Well I finished dinner and you still weren't home and I got worried."

"You made dinner and didn't see my note on the counter?"

"Okay I may have ordered take out but it is here and you aren't."

"Alright we were almost down anyways. I'll tell Michael to take me home. All this exercise has worked up an appetite."

"Well okay see you soon. Love you."

"Love you too."
*End phone call*

"Um that was Madeline she wants me home for uhh dinner. Soooo uhh could you uh drive me home?", I stutter out.

"Yeah. Go get changed and I'll wait in the car for you."


As I walk to the bathroom to change I can't help but think what would have happened if Maddie wouldn't have called. I sigh from disappointment and a little bit of excitement of what almost was.
As I walk out of the bathroom I grab my phone and my new set of keys to Michael's loft and walk out to the car.

The car ride was filled with awkward tension. When we finally get to Maddie's I muster up the courage to look at Michael and say, "Look about earlier..."
He cut me off and said, "I know you don't have to say anything it was completely out of line and shouldn't have happened."
I kinda just stared at him and felt tears welling up behind my eyes. And then he continued, "And it will never happen again."
Now the tears are stinging my eyes and I choke out, "It won't?" He must not have heard the sadness in my voice or seen the tears in my eyes because what he said next ripped my heart in two, "It would have to be over my dead body for ANYTHING like that happen between us again."

At this point I felt like I was being suffocated and that the car was getting smaller. I knew I had to get out of there before the tears I was holding back started to fall. So I quickly grabbed my bag and opened the door and quietly mumbled a thanks and goodnight as I closed the door and ran into my house.
As soon as I was in the house I slammed the door and ran to my room which happened to be Michael's old room. (Picture of bedroom above) I slammed the door to my bedroom ignoring Madeline's calls and curled up in bed and just let the tears out. None of the beatings I have ever had hurt as much as what Michael said. I don't know why but I think it was the fact that he admitted that he had no feelings for me in that way.
As I was crying I heard Madeline knock at the door after a few seconds of me not answering she opened the door and walked in. I felt the bed beside me dip telling me that she was now sitting on the bed. She ran her hand over my hair and said, "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Something happened between the phone call and the trip here because you were fine on the phone." After a few moments of silence she spoke again, "Something happened between you and Michael didn't it?" I nodded my head yes. "Will you tell me what happened?" I shook my head no. After that Madeline sighed and walked out of the bedroom closing the door behind her.

Half an hour later
I heard another knock on the door and then the sound of the door knob clicking letting me know she was walking in by I sensed someone else with her. I looked up and saw Madeline, Fiona, Sam, and Jesse standing beside my bed. I looked at Madeline and she said, "You wouldn't talk to me so I called in reinforcements and we aren't leaving until you tell us what happened." After she said that yup sounded through the room. I finally caved and told them everything that happened from the failed move to the car ride. When I looked at their faces Fiona, Sam, and Madeline had a face filled with concern and a little bit of anger but Jesse's face was filled with pure rage. They all looked at one another and left the room while I continued crying on my bed.
_______________________________________Authors Note: Uhh oh there's some tension now. Tell me if I should have Michael and Emma get together or if they should just stay friends.

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