Through the Mud (Levi x Reader)

Start from the beginning

Later that evening, you were sitting outside with the rest of your squadmates. Levi had gone somewhere with Commander Erwin, so you were all taking the opportunity to rest before he returned and inevitably made you clean the entire castle...again.

"By the way, (f/n), did you really toss an MP into the river?" Oluo asked with a conspirator's grin.

"Who told you that?" you muttered, glancing at him suspiciously.

"Oh, everyone's talking about it," he replied. "So, what did he do to incur your wrath?"

Oluo wasn't the only one interested in your response. Your other three squadmates had stopped what they were doing to listen as well. You looked at each of them in turn, wondering what you should say.

You didn't want to admit that you had done it for Levi, because you didn't want to imply that he needed you to defend him. He definitely didn't. However, you had done it anyway, because you cared about him – and that was something else you couldn't admit.

In the end, you stated nonchalantly, "He was playing in the mud, so I thought he needed a bath."

"Is that all?" Oluo scoffed. "Come now, (f/n) dear. You can't expect us to believe –"

"Hey guys," Eld interrupted, suddenly looking very serious. "We've got company. Check it out."

You all turned in the direction that Eld indicated, only to see three MP's walking toward you. Your apprehension grew when you realized that two of them were the men from the bridge. The third appeared to be a high-ranking officer.

"Can we help you with something?" Eld asked when they stopped at your table.

To your dismay, the leader looked directly at you. "(F/n) (l/n)?"

Your expression remained impassive as you replied, "Yes."

"You need to come with us," he stated.

Eld rose to his feet. "Wait just a minute. What is this about?" he asked.

"Earlier this afternoon, (l/n) assaulted a Military Police officer by throwing him into the river. So she's being court-martialed."


You expected the MP's to hold a grudge, but you didn't think they would take it this far. If you were sent to court and found guilty, not only could you be kicked out of the military, but you could also be thrown into prison. And you were definitely going to be found guilty.

"Let's think about that for a moment, shall we?" you said with a placating smile as you stood to your feet, taking a discreet step back. "You want to haul a little girl like me into court and admit that I was able to throw one of your elite soldiers into the river? You want to say that in front of the premier and the entire military?"

The man paled.

You shrugged, then held out your wrists. "Well, if you insist..."

"I...well..." he stammered, trying to maintain his composure while he searched for something to say. "On second thought, we don't have to take this to court. Just...don't do it again!" he finished sternly.

You put on your most innocent expression. "Whatever you say, sir."

The one you had thrown in the river looked flabbergasted at his superior's statement. However, he wasn't in a position to argue. Instead, he glared daggers at you while the three of them walked away.

You and your squadmates didn't move or speak until the MP's were out of sight. Then Gunther broke the silence with an amused chuckle. "Did you seriously just wiggle your way out of getting arrested, (f/n)?"

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