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I couldn't believe that Rupert wrote me back. Again.
I bit my lip and looked down at the message.
By the looks of your profile, you look like a fun girl. Chat me sometime id love to talk! Here is my number +44 7911 123456 (:
(Guys I know it would cost her money just go along with it)
My heart fluttered in my chest. I don't know if it was my daddy issues talking or maybe I was just overly tired but something about this man wanting to talk to me was exhilarating. Out of all the people he saw on his Instagram, out of 3 million people, he wanted to talk to me? I shifted in my bed out of thrill thinking about what to do. My eye lids were growing heavy and I started to not be able to think straight. Maybe I should wait until the morning to text him. I yawned setting my phone next to my table. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. The last thought that swelled in my mind before falling asleep was Rupert Grint.
I woke up to the sun peaking through my window and shining into my eyes. I rolled over to check the time. Not that it mattered, it was Saturday morning. The thoughts of last night flooded into my head once more. I tried to go over it in my head to make it make sense. Rupert Grint the 32 year old English actor that is half way across the country saw my Instagram profile and wanted to DM me. I found a smirk seeping onto my lips. I mean he wasn't bad looking, hell, he was pretty attractive. I unlocked my phone and went onto google. I searched his name and millions of results came up. I smiled scrolling through the thousands of pictures that came up of the red headed man. Scrolling through, my eyes found one picture. It was him and a lady holding hands. I read the description for her name 'long time girlfriend Georgia Groome'. My heart sank. Why did I care? I rolled my eyes and got off the web. Throwing my phone to the side I got up with a stretch. I trudged downstairs to greet my mom. She was sitting in her normal spot at the kitchen table drinking her morning coffee. The room smelt of pancakes and syrup.
"Morning Mom" I smiled. She looked up from her phone and swallowed the bit of coffee she had in her mouth.
"Oh! Uh morning baby!" I giggled at her being caught so off guard. Dad left me and mom when I was just 8, so from then on it's just been her and I. I have to admit, she's been a mess since then. Always misplacing things, running late, stressed, but overall she did a damn good job raising me. She worked so hard to create a great life for the two of us and I never did without. She's my rock. And even though she's disheveled, she's the best mom in the world.
"I made pancakes," she started, looking down at her phone again "but I damn burnt them again" she laughed it off. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"But the one that didn't burn is on the counter! I saved it for you." I grinned at her generosity and grabbed the single pancake off the counter.
"Your the best" I walked past her and she rubbed my back lovingly. I plopped down on the seat across from her grabbing the syrup from the middle of the table.
"Im off from the salon today but I am going to a clients house for a hair cut. That'll give us some extra money" she beamed. She was always so positive.
"Would you like me to go with you?" I asked.
"Oh no honey of course not! It's your Saturday. Enjoy! Why don't you call Josie?"
"I was actually already planning on it" I replied putting the plate into the sink. I hugged her from behind.
"Thank you for the pancake I'll see you later!" I made my way back up the stairs. I grabbed my phone off my bed and made up the blankets. Grabbing my phone off the bed I texted Josie.
We need to talk! I have news. Come over plzzzz!
After grabbing my outfit from my drawers, I made my way to my bathroom for a shower. I stepped into the shower after putting on music. The water fell down my body as I hummed to the music. My thoughts overwhelmed my head again. What do I even text to this man? He has a girlfriend isn't it weird? Do I simply text "hey"? I groaned washing the soap out of my hair. Once I washed and shaved everything I stepped out of the shower. Taking a deep breath and not wanting to wait any longer I walked to my phone on the counter and texted the number he had given to me.
hey it's y/n (:
I swiped to turn the notifications off and locked the phone quickly. I sighed reaching for my clothes. I chose medium washed ripped jeans with a cropped black tee shirt. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and braided my hair into a side braid before walking back into my room. The sound of a car door shutting from outside encouraged me to look out the window. Josie emerged from the car and strutted into my house.
"Hey!" She called from downstairs.
"Hey" i replied jogging down the stairs to meet her.
"So? What's the news?" I laughed at her enthusiasm. She took a seat on the bar stool next to the counter.
Without saying another word I whipped out my phone to show her the DM.
"No fucking way y/n. No fucking- what" her face was beaming with excitement.
"Did you text him??" She asked eagerly.
"Well yeah, but I turned my notifications off because I don't wanna know if I get ghosted." I tucked my hair behind my ear. She gave me a 'bitch what?' face and grabbed my phone.
"YOU HAVE A TEXT" she screeched. I yanked my phone away from her and started to pace.
"This could be anyone" I pointed to the notification.
"Exactly" Josie wiggled her eyebrows, "it COULD be Rupertttttt" she dragged out his name seductively.
Shaky handed I opened up the messages app.
Hey! I'm so glad you texted
"AHHHHHHHHHHH" Josie screamed into my ear while looking over my shoulder.
"But the real question is, do you want him?" she questioned settling down.
"Well I mean," I was at a loss for words. Was this happening? Was I actually texting with Rupert Grint? Where would this lead anyway? My mind kept going back to the picture of his girlfriend. I mean it's not like I'm in England. How far could this possibly go? Maybe he just wants a friend. There's absolutely no harm in being his friend. I smirked at the fact that he could POSSIBLY want more. But not likely. I have to shake those thoughts out of my head.
"I mean being friends with him would be kinda cool." I admitted. What Georgia doesn't know won't hurt her. Right?

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