cHaPtEr -6∅

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Its already been 3days since the cub came back but still didn't talk with Mina and nor did Mina saw her even a glance which was really frustrating for the penguin.

Mitang~~"Sana call while Mina was spacing out

What happen...are you missing Sakura already??~~"Sana tease as they were walking inside the campus except the cub and Jihyo

No...why would i??....she just left so its early~~"Mina coldly said

Sakura was going for a competition to represent the college for 5days which she already Inform Mina...Sakura was sad as she don't want to leave her while on the other side it was opposite

Mina was sad but for the not seeing the cub nor been able to even talk with the cub yet which was making her heart so heavy that she can't think of anyone else now

Sana nod her head and started minding her own business as she don't want to take this conversation further

Soon after sometime the bell rang and the students started walking to their own classes

Mina went to her class alone after bidding goodbyes to her friends

The whole class Mina kept thinking about the cub as she still can't get her out of her mind and heart

I really have to see her~~"Mina thought while playing with her pen

On the other side the cub was on the library as she didn't want to attend the classes moreover she even have notes to complete so she inform Tzuyu and went straight to the library where there were only some few students

Chaeyoung kept trying to concentrate on her notes but something kept bugging her mind which was hurting a lot

Chaeyoung stop thinking about her she don't love you anymore~~"the cub mumble to herself but she couldn't help feeling hurt

This Morning when the cub was walking along with Dahyun and Tzuyu they saw Mina and Sakura in the parking lot hugging the cub couldn't help feeling hurt as she still can't move on

The most painful scene was when Sakura peck Mina cheeks and Mina answered by pecking her forehead before mumbling something

This has been the daily routine for the two which the cub always encountered but she cannot help feeling hurt every time she sees them together

The cub couldn't take it so she walk away without waiting for her two friends

Stop thinking about her...she doesn't Care~~"the cub bang her head on the table as she was so frustrated with herself

The cub started writing her notes until sometime later she got tired and started feeling sleepy while hearing some music through her earphone and soon she felt asleep and the cub was lucky to be able to sleep peacefully as she was on top of the library were students hardly comes


The bell rang for the break and Mina knows the cub won't eat with them so she decided to find the cub and talk with her as she couldn't take it anymore

Mina texted Sana she won't be eating with them and went to the cub class to ask if any of them know where she is

Mina entered the cub class and found only some few students who were on their own business

Ahmmm...excuse me~~"Mina went up to one of bench where a group of girls were sitting and watching movies

Oh!!!sunbae~~"one of the girls said while the rest were shock to see Mina on their class as they see her hardly this close

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