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The girls have spent there two nights in Nayeon's place. During this night they have come more closer with each other specially Mina she became to open up herself a more during this nights with them

In the past she was someone who doesn't talk much and always have a cold face

But after coming to know them and Chaeyoung she became to smile more and talk more

Specially after knowing Chaeyoung feeling she was on Clock nine

Same with Chaeyoung she was very happy knowing that Mina also have the same feeling even though this feeling was new to both of them

But they haven't label there relationship as they have already discuss about it

After coming home that night they have been staring and smiling at each other which didnt go unnotice by their friends but all of them didnt dare to ask the two

Jihyo already know about what they have talk since Chaeyoung share everything to her as she was like a sister and moreover there have never been a secret between them

Even Mina as she was sharing the room with Jihyo they have talk about it and Jihyo is happy for both of them even though they still haven't given a name to there relationship

But Jihyo she was worried so she told~~~Mina I am very happy for both of you even though you guys are not in a relationship yet.But please promise me you won't hurt the Cub you know as I told you she is someone who is very fragile and sensitive and needs a lot of care

~~~~I know Jihyo and I promise I'll never dare to hurt her because you already know how much I care and love her~~Mina said assuring Jihyo

~~Thank You Mina and you know she is someone who is very precious to so many people for which she have always been the center of attraction for which she needs a lot of care and sometimes she can be a spoil baby even though not in a bad way so are you sure you will be able to take care of her???~~~Jihyo ask teasing her

~~Don't worry Jihyo I am more than  ready to spoil that Baby more ~~Mina said while showing her gummy smile

Because she was already so much in love with the Cub even though she didnt told her yet

OK then ~~Jihyo said smiling

Mmmm Can I drive her to the college tomorrow~~Mina said softly while looking at the ground and playing with her hands

For which Jihyo felt so funny Because Mina was someone who have a very intimidating Aura and cold face she didnt expect Mina to have this sight

Hahahaha ...OK Sure Mina~~~Jihyo said while still Laughing and Mina look at her blushing and hug her as she was so happy

Thank You ..Thank You Jihyo...Mina said still hugging after that they went to sleep.

Monday Morning**

Everyone was ready to leave except Chaeyoung who is arranging her things because she have to submit her project today

It was already 8:20a.m and the class will start at 10:30a.m today as the college have some teachers conference in the morning

Guys let's go...Mina will bring Chaeyoung~~~Jihyo said looking at Mina and they all nod there head and went

After 10mins Chaeyoung came outside and she didnt saw anyone so she check her phone and it was already 8:45a.m

She saw a message which was send by Jihyo saying That they have all left as they have some she just sigh and said fine let's go Chaeng to herself~~~

Baby I Only And only Love You(Michaeng)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz