Graduation Part 2: The Ceremony

Start from the beginning

"I--yes! Yes, I would love to! Thank you!" Eliza smiled excitedly.

The crowd roared with cheers and applause. Wyatt let out a loud howl and the rest of the pack joined in. Eliza laughed as she thanked Dr. Andrews before exiting the stage.

Principal Lee took the microphone once more and waited for the room to settle. "Thank you Dr. Andrews for that lovely speech and congratulations Eliza on your achievement. Now for the moment you have been waiting for, the conferring of diplomas."

The seniors rose to their feet and one by one Principal Lee called them up to get their diplomas.

"Wynter Barkowitz."

Wynter howled before making her way on stage. She smiled widely and bounced on the balls of her feet the entire way across the stage.

A few people later....

"Bonzo De' Comp."

"Za! (Yeah!)" Bonzo cheered as he made his way across the stage. He shook the principal's hand and held his diploma high above his head for all to see.

Several seniors later....

"Willa Lykensen."

Wyatt placed a hand on her shoulder. "Go get'em sis."

Willa smiled as she strutted confidently across the stage to recieve her diploma. Behind her she heard Wyatt howl, followed by the rest of her pack. As she exited the stage Willa smiled at Wyatt and mouthed back his own words. 'Go get'em.'

"Wyatt Lykensen-Wells."

Wyatt howled before making his way onto the stage. He took his diploma and held it up as he waved to his mom, Wylda and his parents, Missy and Dale.

A few seniors later....

"Zed Necrodopolis."

Zed grinned as he rushed up on stage. He received his diploma then did a little dance, making everyone laugh as he exited the stage.

Many seniors later....

"Addison Wells."

Addison smiled as she walked across the stage to recieve her diploma. She waved at her parents and sent Zed a wink before exiting the stage.

"Bree Williams."

Bree smiled shyly as she made her way across the stage. She said a quiet Thank you to Principal Lee as she took her diploma. Bree smiled and waved at Bonzo before exiting the stage.

"Eliza Zambi."

Eliza sighed in relief as she got her chance to walked the stage. She held her head high as she took her diploma and crossed the stage.

Principal Lee smiled as the Seniors retook their seats. "Congratulations seniors. You have officially graduated. And thank you to all those who joined us today."

The erupted with cheers as the seniors jumped to their feet and threw their caps in the air. Their graduation was finally official.

The seniors filed out of the room first. As soon as they were in the lobby everyone gathered together to celebrate.

"Congrats you two!" Addison grinned, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend and brother. "Football scholarships, that's amazing!"

"Thanks Addy." Zed smiled, giving her a quick kiss.

"Yeah." Wyatt chuckled. "Thanks. But I don't get it, I didn't even apply."

"I applied for you."

Wyatt turned and saw Eliza standing behind him with a smirk. "You applied for me? Why? I told you I didn't want to go pro."

"I know." Eliza replied. "But you love football. Even if you don't want to go pro, you can study for what you want to do for free while getting to play a sport you love."

"I didn't think about it like that, thanks Ellie." Wyatt smiled, pulling her into a hug.

Eliza chuckled. "What would you do without me?"

"Ah woooo!"

Willa's howl echoed through the room as she and Wynter made their way over followed by Bree and Bonzo.

"We did it guys!" Willa grinned, holding up her diploma.

Wynter howled. "We are so totally awesome!"

"We sure are." Bree agreed.

Bonzo nodded in agreement. "Za. (Yeah)"

They all gathered in a circle and wrapped their arms around eachother, forming a large group hug.

As they pulled away Addison stuck out her hand. "Let's go Mighty Shrimp on three. For old times sake?"

Everyone nodded and stuck in their hands.

"1, 2, 3....." Addison counted.

"Let's go Mighty Shrimp!" They all shouted, raising their hands in the air.

The small group smiled as they walked off to find their families in the crowd. One chapter in their life had ended, but a new one was only beginning.

Author's Note

This is it. The official conclusion of Zombies 4. Thank you all for your support! I love your comments and enthusiasm over this story.

The only question now you want more?

Let me know. I could do a Zombies 5 or a short story book.


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