Hold My Hand

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After dropping off Addison's car at her house and stopping on their way through Zombie town to let Puppy out for a bathroom break they made the 10 minute drive to Z-tech.

Z-tech was a multipurpose building with several floors. The first floor served as a medical clinic, the second floor included labs and testing facilities, and the third floor was where all the offices were for high ranking employees. Z-tech was advertised as being dedicated to ensuring the health and well-being of Zombies, but the interior of the building wasn't as friendly.

Zed parked his jeep and sighed as he turned to Addison. "Are you really sure you want to go in with me? I wouldn't blame you if you decided to wait here."

Addison gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm sure Zed, I'll be with you through as much of it as I can."

Zed nodded as he leaned over to peck her lips. "Thank you Addison, let's go get this over with."

The two exited the vehicle and Zed slipped his hand into Addison's as they walked through the parking lot towards the building. The automated doors slid open and the smell of disinfectant was almost overwhelming as the walked inside.

The waiting room was large but bland. The walls were white and there was little decoration except for the few health tips posters hanging on the walls. Zed led her over to the reception desk and the nurse behind it gave them a small smile. "Welcome to Z-tech. How can I help you today?"

Zed cleared his throat. "My name is Zed Necrodopolis and I have an appointment for 4:30 for a wellness exam and Z-band upgrade."

The nurse typed on the computer for a moment before turning back to them. "Ah yes, I have it right here. There is an exam room open so I will go ahead and take you back."

"Thank you." Zed replied. "Is it okay if my girlfriend accompanies me?"

"Well," The nurse studied Addison closely. "I suppose she can join you for the wellness exam but when you go for your Z-band upgrade they'll probably send her out."

"I understand." Zed replied, knowing better than to argue with the staff at Z-tech.

The nurse nodded and gestured for them to follow her. Zed held on to Addison's hand as they made their way down a long hallway. The hallway wasn't anymore cheery than the waiting room and was just big enough for Zed and Addison to walk comfortably side by side.

The nurse stopped and opened the door to their right and motioned for them to go inside. "Go ahead and get settled, Dr. Patey will be with you shortly."

Zed nodded and thanked the nurse once more as he lead Addison into the small exam room. The nurse shut the door behind them and Zed released a sigh as he took a seat on the exam table. "Dr. Patey, it had to be Dr. Patey."

"What's wrong with Dr. Patey?" Addison asked, taking a seat in the chair beside the exam table.

"He's a good doctor, don't get me wrong." Zed admitted. "He's just not very personable. He's all business and very by the book."

Addison nodded in understanding. "I get it. Just another reason this appointment will be less fun right?"

"Yep." Zed sighed. "But once it's over I won't have to come back for another year."

There was a knock on the door as it slowly creaked open. A man in his forties with black hair and blue eyes stepped inside wearing blue scrubs and a white doctor's coat. His face was stern as he studied the two of them before turning to Zed. "Hello Mr. Necrodopolis, I'm sure you know the drill by now."

Zed nodded as he slipped his shirt over his head and handed it to Addison. "Yes sir."

The doctor jotted something down on his clipboard before setting it aside and walking over to Zed. He spent the next few minutes attaching wires and sensors to Zed's chest as Addison watched curiously.

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