Code Z

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The weekend after Prawn had flown by and though it was the last week of school before graduation, no one had been ready for Monday to rear its ugly head.

Addison yawned as she stared at the equations in her math book, tapping her pencil on the desk. Whoever had thought that a morning math class was a good idea was severely mistaken.

"Are you okay Addy?" Bree whispered, glancing up from her own paper.

Addison nodded. "I'm just tired Bree. I shouldn't have let Zed talk me into watching a second movie last night."

Bree chuckled quietly. "Well, you had fun right?"

A small smiled tugged at the corners of Addison's lips. "Yeah."

"Then that's all that matters." Bree replied.

Addison smiled and nodded before getting back to work. The minutes ticked by and she sighed in relief when she finished her work. Addison walked quietly over to the teacher's desk but just as she placed her work in the bin a blaring alarm rang through the school.

Addison froze. That wasn't the normal fire alarm, that was the Z-Alert. They hadn't had a Z-alert since Zed banged his knee and was heard moaning as he snuck to football tryouts. What was going on?

"Please remain seated everyone." The teacher replied. "This is probably a senior prank. Let's wait to see if Principal, Ms. Lee, announces that we should move."

Seconds felt like hours as the waited for Ms. Lee to make an announcement. Some of the werewolves in the back of the class began to whisper but stopped when Willa gave them a warning glare.

"Attention all students and staff!" Ms. Lee's attempting to be calm but panicked voice came over the speaker. "Please make your way to the nearest Zombie safe room immediately! This is not a drill!"

Addison's heart dropped as everyone began to rush from the room. This couldn't be happening. Everything had been fine when they arrived, but now one of her classmates was in trouble. Her mind flashed to Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo. Were they okay?

"Addison!" Bree's voice snapped her from her thoughts. "We have to go!"

Addison nodded and followed Bree from the room. She could see the worry on her face and knew Bree was thinking of Bonzo.

"I'm sure they're okay." Addison reassured her. "This is probably another misunderstanding."

The hallway was packed with students rushing into Zombie safe rooms. The teacher beckoned them forward just as screams echoed through the hallway.

Addison turned around as a crowd of students stampeded past her in a frenzy of panic. Once they were gone, a familiar, distorted voice echoed through the hallway.


"Zed? Zed!" Addison called back, moving towards the voice but a hand grabbed her arm.

"Addison you must come inside! It isn't safe!" The teacher scolded, pulling her into the Zombie Safe Room.

"But Zed, he needs me!" Addison cried, trying to break away.

The teacher pulled her inside and locked the door. "I know you're worried but it isn't safe. We will get answers soon."

Addison nodded, and walked towards one of the cots to sit down. She was in a daze and it wasn't until he spoke, that she realized Wyatt grabbed her arm.

"Addison, are you okay?"
Wyatt asked.

Addison shook her head. "I'm scared Wyatt. I heard Zed's voice, it sounded distorted like when he's...."

"Zombified?" Wyatt finished.

Addison nodded and Wyaat pulled her into a hug. "It'll be okay. Its probably just a glitch. They'll fix it and then everyone will be back to normal."

"What do you mean, everyone?" Addison asked.

"The three zombies in my english class had their Z-bands malfunction." Wyatt explained. "If Zed's malfunctioned too that makes four."

Addison shook her head in disbelief. Four Z-band malfunctions at the same time? How was that even possible?

"Something isn't right." Addison told him. "Have you heard from Eliza?"

Wyatt shook his head. "She has Science on the other side of the building."

"Hey guys." Willa walked over with Wynter. "Wynter just told me that the two Zombies in her class had their Z-bands malfunction."

Addison's eyes widened. "There were three in Wyatt's class too, plus Zed. That's six zombified zombies now. This really isn't good."

"I'm sure they're going to be fine Addison." Willa reassured her. "Maybe Zed planned this as a senior prank. It wouldn't be the first time he messed with his Z-band."

"True." Addison admitted. "But that's just it, it was his Z-band. He wouldn't mess with anyone else's and put then in danger. Plus, Eliza is the one who hacked it in the first place."

"Well if it is a prank, maybe shes in on it." Wyatt suggested.

"Well I hope they hurry up." Wynter whimpered. "This room is too small."

Willa rubbed her back. "You're okay Wynter. Just think happy thoughts."

Wynter nodded and closed her eyes, mumbling under her breath about howling, dancing, and ear scratches.

Just then the click of the speaker system echoed through the room and Ms. Lee's voice came through. "Attention all students and staff, it is now safe to leave the Zombie Safe rooms. As you do so please report to the gym for a quick assembly to discuss the current situation."

Addison sighed in relief and stuck close to her brother and friends as they made their way to the gym. They took a seat on the bleachers and Addison watched as everyone entered.

As more and more people made their way inside Addison noticed an unsettling pattern. All the students were either werewolves or humans. There were no Zombies.

As the last few students got settled, Ms. Lee walked up to the microphone. "Hello everyone, first I want to thank all of you for reacting quickly to the situation and taking the appropriate actions. Now, I know you're all wondering what happened and the answer is this: at 9am this morning, the Z-bands of every Zombie student stopped working. I have received word that this is not just a school wide problem, but a Seabrooke wide problem. It seems all Z-bands are no longer working."

Addison couldn't believe her ears. Every Z-band had stopped working? How was this even possible. Something like this had never happened before.

Addison stood up. "What happened to the Zombies? Where are they?"

Ms. Lee turned to her. "The Zombies have been quarantined in Zombie Town until their Z-bands can be made operational again. The gates will be closed and the Z-Patrol will be guarding the area until it is safe."

"How long will they be there?" Addison asked, her voice cracking.

"They will be there until their Z-bands are made operational again." Ms. Lee repeated. "No one knows at this time what the issue is or how long it will take to fix."

Addison nodded and sat down. Bree wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders.

"Alright everyone," Ms. Lee continued. "I will keep you updated as I learn more information but as of right bow everyone should make their way to their second period class.

Addison felt like she was walking through a fog as she made her way to class. There were so many emotions swirling in her head but one thought came clearly through the fog, she was going to help her friends and the other Zombies, no matter what.

Author's Note

It's been way to long but here's another chapter. Thank you all for your patience and have an awesome Monday!


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