Death Eater

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That was pretty much what the gryffindor's called me for the rest of the year. i always knew that was going to happen though. We all did. My head hurt constantly from the amount of times i had cried myself to sleep. Not that anyone knew. Not that the slytherin's would care if they knew. They would think i was weak. 

My arm itched as i stood beside draco waiting for the train to come to take us back for my 5th year. It was O.W.L's year. which didn't help much. Not when my mind was so wrapped up in everything else. I could feel someone's glare on my back and out of instinct turned to see who it was. 

My breath caught as i spotted Neville Longbottom glaring at me from the gryffindor carriages. I gave him a sickly sweet smile before turning back to draco. 

i itched my arm again and he notices. 

"Your's sore too?" he asks

With a sigh i nod my head. 

"Why did we need to become one too?" i ask with a sigh. 

"Because of the task?" he questions. 

"Of course" i shake my head as i felt the dark mark on my arm continue to move. he was calling a meeting. one that we weren't needed for. 

"We can't fail" he murmurs more to himself. 

"Trust me draco. i know more than anyone we can't fail. They'll not only kill our family but he'll know i lied. He won't just kill me. He'll wait till he can torture everyone i love to death." my voice shook as i spoke but i attempted to ignore it. 

"This thing is getting on my nerves" he growls. 

"mine too" i grumble as we climb onto the train dragging our stuff behind us. 

We entered the usual compartment to find it was rather empty. all except for pansy. 

"Where is everyone"? i ask

"Crabbe, Goyle and zabini have been called to a meeting of the 'slug club' Draco and i have prefect duties" Pansy replies. 

"Crap" Draco curses. "We have to go to that don't we?" 

Pansy nods. 

"Will you be alright here by yourself?" He asks turning to me. 

"I'll be fine draco." i reply rolling my eyes. "It's just one train ride"

he nods and leaves with pansy behind him. me? i settle down in the carriage leaning my head against the window as the scenes fly past. 

There's a knock at the door and I look up to find neville standing glaring.
Opening the door I glare at him.
"What the hell are you doing here longbottom. This is a slytherin carriage" I say coldly
"Slughorn sent me to find you" he replies

"and why pray tell. would he send you?" i ask.

"because noone else wanted to put up with your Bitchy mood" he growls back.

"apaprently i'm a delite to have around" i reply sarcastically.

"whatever. are you coming to see slughorn or what?" he asks

"nope" i reply popping the p and slamming the door on his face.

he leaves and i sit back down. i end up falling asleep in the carriage.

It felt good to be back at hogwarts. it felt safe. Well it would. if we weren't about to be a part of killing the only person voldemort was scared of.

It had been 6 months since we had gotten back to school and so far we had gotten no closer to fixing the vanishing cabinet. and voldemort was getting impatient.

draco and i stood in the death eaters meeting. it was unusial for us to be there but they were looking for a progress report.

"and what of the vanishing cabinet?" voldemort hisses.

Draco and i exchane worried glances before i speak up. "there have been some...set backs"

"set backs?" his voice was calm. signaling he was angry. "what kind of set backs?"

"we haven't had the right knowledge" i reply uneasily. "also potter and his friends have been snooping"

the spell hits me before i can react. unbearable pain flooded through my body. yet all i did was wince slightly.

the curse is lifted off me and i bow my head in defeat.

"you have 2 weeks" he growls. "fix it by then"

i nod my head and we are dismissed. professor snape takes us back to hogwarts. i refuse to meet draco's eyes as we leave snapes office.

Draco goes to head for the slytherin common room whilst i head in the opposite direction.

"where are you going?" he asks in confusion.

"i'm going for a walk" i reply making it obvious i wanted to be alone.

he respects that and disapears towards the slytherin common room. whilst i walk out of the castle towards the black lake. the sun had set hours before  and as i sat at the black lake leaning against the tree i could see the moon reflecting off the surface of the lake.

the tears flow freely as i sit there. it seemed to be all i did lately. cry.

Aria LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now