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An yes I know I suck. It's been 3 months since I last updated. Oopsies. So yeah just basically an apology and to let you, whoever is reading this (although I doubt anyone is) know this is the last chapter in this book before the next one. On the bright side. I'm also posting the start of the next book.

It was stupid. But for a moment all I wanted to do was be with the others. It was a stupid move and I realised it as soon as I knocked on the door of the weasley's house. But by then it was too late. Bill weasley opened the door. His scar he received from fenrir grey back had mostly healed over. But it was still visible.
"What was Harry in the possession of before he died." He muttered wand pointed at me.
"The invisibility cloak" I replied. It was the obvious answer.
He lowered his wand and stepped aside to let me in. Before shutting the door and returning to fleur who was sobbing quietly to herself.
Neville and Luna sat on a couch. Luna sobbing into his chest, Mr and Mrs weasley sat next to them. Ron hermione and ginny took up one half of the other couch leaving bill and fleur to the other half. Ron was comforting the two girls whilst barely holding it together himself. The mood was somber. Not even the weasley twins could make a joke. Not now. Not when all hope was lost. The door went again and I moved to open it. Pointing my wand defensively at whoever it was.
Mcgonigall stood at the door.
"Let her in" Mrs weasley called. I nodded and stepped to the side to allow professor mcgonnigal inside.
"His body?" She asked in passing.
"Safe" I replied quietly. She nodded and entered the room. Whilst they all grieved I slipped out of the door closing it silently behind me.
About half way down the hill I hear my name being called.
"Aria" Neville yelled."you're leaving already?"
"We can't stay here. The death eaters will be searching for us soon. It won't take a genius to work out where we are. I'm leaving before I have to say goodbye properly" I replied turning round.
"Look ill come with you. Let me go get Luna and we can all go together. Ok?" He asked. "Small groups"
"Ok" I nodded and he ran back up the hill towards the house. As he walked into the house I whispered "goodbye Neville" before running the last little bit and apparating away.

The next book is called surviving after Harry. If anyone's interested

Aria LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now