The second wizarding war

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All it took was those few words to get all of us moving. in less than 4 minutes flat everyone was gathered outside the school.

"Who is that" Ginny yelled her sob echoing round the room. "Who is hagrid carrying"

I pushed my way forward and i felt my heart shatter.

"Harry potter is dead"

Hagrid was sobbing, he stood in chains holding the broken body that was harry potter.

"no"Ginny screamed starting forward. Mr weasley pulled her back and into a hug as i gripped my wand tighter

"Silencio"Voldemort snaps.

The hush fell over the crowd

"Luscious. Call your son" He hissed

"Draco" My uncle said sternly.

Draco doesn't move. Not until his mother calls. At which point he walks across to them.

"Well done draco" Voldemort hisses hugging him akwardly."Who else will join us"

Noone moves. I knew they were expecting me to leave. But i wasn't. Id rather die.

His eyes rest on me and he glares.
At that moment Neville steps forward.
"Longbottom you have pure blood we need your kind" he smirks.
"I have something to say"Neville says. His voice sounded confident. More so than usual. "It doesn't matter Harry's dead"
"Stand down Neville"seamus mutters
But he ignores seamus and continues
"It doesn't matter Harry's dead. He's still here. And he wouldn't want us to give up"
A mumbled agreement goes up and the next thing I know spells are beig thrown. Surprisingly I didnt panic. I fought alongside the others until we were backed into the great hall. 

My mind was clear as i fought against the death eater in front of me. he sent a stunning spell at me which i threw up a shield against before throwing a body-binding jinx at him. He falls to the ground just as a gasp goes up through the crowd. 

I turn to find harry potter, slightly tired looking. but alive. Standing wand drawn ready to fight. 

i don't hear the exchange between them. Too far away to hear. the only thing i notice. is the green light that flashes out of the elder wand so fast. noone could defend themselves from it. 

. Ginny screams as his body hits the floor. I stifled a sob before turning to Mr. Weasley. "Get them out of here" I hissed "get as many people out as possible." He nods. "Crucio" voldemort laughs pointing his wand at Harry's still body. "Expelliarmus" I yelled and his wand flew out of his hand. I levitated Harry's body back to the ground carefully throwing up a hasty shielding spell as spells flew from everywhere. "How dare you" my mother screeched advancing forward quickly. I noticed people disaparating out of the hall and to safety. She began to throw hexes and curses  at me and I took up a defensive strategy. No one was coming too help me. And I knew it. She kept advancing until I blew her back with a spell once everyone else had aperated away. Grabbed Harry's body and apperated to godrics hollow. 
We landed on the ground in the cemetery and I lost all energy to even attempt to get up. I just broke down crying quietly to myself. Finally pulling myself together I shakily got to my feet. I got to creating a coffin for harry. It would do until this was over. Until we got a chance to actually bury him properly. Moments later the coffin was created. It appeared to be see through but instead of seeig harrys body you saw memories of him. It was enchanted to show what you wanted to see. Before with tears cascading down my cheeks I lowered it into the ground. after enchanting it so noone else apart from me could remove it i apperated out of there.

Aria LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now