Part XV *° The Plan 2.0 °*

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry I can't take them off they're glued to me right now."

"We can help you take them off."

At this point, Jeonghan was already walking backwards, thinking of an escape route.

"Yes let's help Mr. fairy take off his wings." She said enthusiastically, both of them dangerously approaching him. He was left with no other option than to run.

He took off with the little girls chasing him, he was glad they had tiny legs and probably the stamina of a koala, just the thought of them tearing off his wings from his body made him squirm. Guess I got to postpone visiting Wonwoo 'til they're gone... He looked back, still running, to check if they were still following him, fortunately for him, they weren't, but it was too late to see that he was running right into another person.

"Ouch!" He heard the other person cry, dropping his bike in the way. Speaking of the devil, he found himself face to face with Wonwoo. "Oh I'm sorry are you okay- hey aren't you the guy that was with ____ yesterday?" the latter looked equally surprised when he saw Jeonghan, he picked his bike up and continued, "Have you seen her since then?"

There goes my chances at finding her at Wonwoo's...

He pondered on whether or not to tell him about you turning into a cat too, he deemed Wonwoo trustworthy since his bestfriend, another cat, told him about his transformation too.

"Uhh... no, not really." He answered, scratching the back of his neck. "A little something happened." He decided it would be better to just tell him and make him help to look for you and Mingyu.

"Tell me, I need to confirm something." Wonwoo said, a little desperation in his voice.

"Are you looking for your cat friend?" Jeonghan watched as Wonwoo's eyes widened and mouthed a " you know?"

"Well, ____ turned into a cat too and I'm looking for her."

"I figured that was the case the moment I got to the shelter..." Wonwoo sighed.

"The shelter?" Jeonghan's eyes lit up at the new lead, if you weren't at Wonwoo's house, then you probably got caught and taken to a shelter, "that's just what I needed." Wasting no time, he took off without even saying goodbye, leaving a very dumbfounded Wonwoo behind.

It didn't take a long time for Jeonghan to find the shelter in question, he payed no mind at the dangling 'CLOSED' card on the door as he pushed the door wide open. He was welcomed with an utter mess.

"Damn, it looks like Taz of Tasmania was around here." He mumbled under his breath, trying to navigate between the cages on the floor and the counter, he caught a glimpse of a teenage boy sweeping the seeds away.

"Hey dude," Jeonghan called, trying to catch the young man's attention.

"H-hi sir, I'm sorry but we're closed at the moment please come back tomorrow." Dino abruptly looked toward the voice, rehearsing this sentence for the 5th time today, he put down the broom, and walked towards him, mumbling about how he was sure he had locked the door after the last encounter with Wonwoo.

"Don't worry I just need to ask you about something."

Dino bit his lip, he had never been asked this many questions in a day span, he felt like he was being questioned by the police. Jeonghan didn't wait for Dino to agree and directly bombarded him with questions about you.

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