Emma walked to David, looking at Mr Gold, "What are you talking about?" Emma asked.

"Can I see her?" Calista asked.

Emma nodded and Calista walked inside, going to Mary Margaret, she lied beside her and hugged her.

"Regina. She's planning to strike back, against your mother," Mr Gold said to Emma.

Henry walked to Emma, "What is she gonna do to her?" Henry asked.

"Oh, she didn't say," Mr Gold said.

"No, you don't get to come in here and just drop a bomb like that. You're gonna figure this out and you're gonna help us," David said.

"And why should I?" Mr Gold asked.

"Because aside from us being family nod, Mary Margaret saved your life. Now, you owe her a debt, and you always pay your debts, don't you? You're gonna help us stop Regina," David looked at the two women on the bed then at Mr Gold, "If you let your wife's friend die, I'm sure she'll be rather upset," David said.

Mr Gold looked at Calista then David, "Come on," Mr Gold said and walked away.

David looked at Emma, "I'll be back," He looked at Calista who was walking up, "You coming too?" He asked.

"I almost lost my husband, I'm not about to let you try," Calista said and followed Mr Gold with David behind her.

Back with Neal and Naomi, they were walking down the main street together.

"So, you and Henry, best friends?" Neal asked.

"Yeah, he's probably my only friend," Naomi said.

"I remember that everyone else being afraid of our dad and only one person was fine being our friend," Neal said.

Naomi nodded as they walked to the park, Naomi rushed over to a swing and sat on one as Neal walked to the other, sitting on it, "Your mum..." Naomi looked at him, "When Hook was around, how did she seem?" He asked.

"Really angry... When she last saw him, she was yelling, saying she wished he died, wished that he wasn't there... She was really upset," Naomi said as she swung on the swing with Neal watching her.

David, Calista and Mr Gold made their way to Regina's mausoleum to discover that it was in a mess.

"Well, it appears we just missed out dear Queen," Mr Gold said.

"What is this?" Calista asked.

"These are Cora's belonging. Looks like Regina's planning to use one of her spells on Mary Margaret," Mr Gold looked in a case of potion ingredients, he saw that two ingredients were missing, "Something's missing," Mr Gold said.

Calista walked up to him and they looked in the case, "Chimera blood and viper's eye," Calista said.

"What kind of curse do you need those for?" David asked.

"It's the curse of the empty-hearted," Mr Gold said.

"It's the curse of the empty-hearted," Mr Gold said

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The Betrayal of the Sister [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #2]Where stories live. Discover now