Chapter 16

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New York City

Emma, Henry and Mr Gold arrived at their destination in New York via taxi, they looked up at the apartment building that was in front of them.

Emma looked to see Mr Gold hesitating, "What's wrong? This the right place?" Emma asked him.

"Yes, it is," Mr Gold said.

"Let me guess. He's not expecting you. Well, who doesn't love a surprise?" Emma said and walked into the building with Henry and Mr Gold followed them.

The stood in the lobby of the apartment building, Henry scanned the list of names on the intercom.

"No Baelfire," Henry said.

"Yeah, that probably wouldn't fly as an alias. Your magic globe didn't give you an apartment number?" Emma asked Mr Gold.

"It doesn't work that," Mr Gold said.

Emma and Mr Gold took a turn at looking at the list, "Do any of these names mean anything to you?" Emma asked.

"Well, names are what I traffic in, but sadly, no," Mr Gold said.

Emma pointed to an apartment that is listed only by a number, "Here's your boy," Emma said.

"Or, it could just be vacant," Mr Gold said.

"You might traffic in names and magic but I traffic in finding people who don't want to be found and those sort of folks don't like to advertise their whereabouts," Emma bussed the apartment on the intercom, "UPS package for 407," Emma said and the person on the other end of the line doesn't respond and they hung up.

"Maybe you should've said FedEx," Henry said.

Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from the fire escape outside, "He's running," Emma said and they rushed outside.

They see the apartment's occupant climbing down the fire escape, he reached the bottom and broke out into a run, "That... That favour you owe me," Emma looked at Mr Gold, "This is it. Get him to talk to me. I...I can't run," Mr Gold said.

"Watch Henry. I'll be back," Emma said and she chased after the unknown man through the streets.

Mr Gold and Henry watched her, Henry looked at Mr Gold, "Are you okay?" Henry asked him.

"I...I'm fine, Henry," Mr Gold said.

"Do you want to call Calista?" Henry asked.

"Not yet," Mr Gold said.

"I think you should," Henry said.

"Maybe... I don't want..." Mr Gold took his phone out and looked at the photo, he unlocked his phone and called Calista who answered straight away, "Calista?" He said.

"Hey, love, one second. Leroy, I'll get you the axe in a minute okay, chill," Calista said.

"I want my axe, sister," Leroy said.

"Then look for it and pay for it. I know it was yours in the Enchanted Forest, but life is crap get over it," Calista said.

"Bad time?" Mr Gold asked.

"Oh, Rumpel I'm sorry, what's happened? Does Kathleen need to go to New York?" Calista asked.

"No, no... We got to the apartment," Mr Gold saw Henry looking at the hotdog stand, "Hungry Henry?" Mr Gold asked.

"Uh, yeah," Henry said.

"Come on," Mr Gold walked to the stand with him, "Order what you want... Anyway, we got to the apartment and Emma's chasing after the occupant... She believes it could be him," Mr Gold said.

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