Chapter 2

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Calista walked down the main street with Naomi, to the gathered townspeople outside the town hall, where the citizens have set up a Crisis Center.

"If you are looking for a family member, come to the front table. If you need counselling, Dr Hopper has a signup sheet. If the wraith damaged your house, there are cots at the school," Ruby said.

"This is getting out of hand. People are in a panic, they don't know what to do," Mother Superior said.

"It's okay, it'll be fine. We just need everyone to remain calm. I have a feeling our Prince is working on something right now," Ruby said.

"Well, until then... Naomi wants us to help us," Calista said.

Ruby and Mother Superior turned to them, "It's my Papa's fault the wraith came... Let us help... Even if it's for a little bit," Naomi said.

Ruby looked between them then nodded, "Alright, but not a lot of people will be happy with you helping Calista," Ruby said.

"How about this... I'll leave and pick Naomi up... Say... In a few hours then... I don't want people to be getting riled up because of me, because of who I married," Calista said.

"But Mama..." Naomi said.

"It's okay, sweetheart," Calista crouched down to her, "I'm a big girl, I can handle being hated for what my heart wanted," Calista said and kissed her cheek.

"It's not fair though," Naomi said.

"No, my sweet girl, it isn't but it's what is normal," Calista stood up and looked at Ruby, "Watch her for me and call me if anything happens, don't worry about my husband, I can deal with him," Calista said.

"I know, the instructions are still the same right?" Ruby asked her.

"Yeah, still the same," Calista said.

"Bye Mama..." Naomi said.

"Bye sweet girl," Calista said, kissed her head and walked off.

Calista made her way to the pawnshop and walked in to see Mr Gold, he looked at her, "Ready, to work?" He asked.

"Seriously?" Calista asked.

"No, I know your face scares people off," Mr Gold said.

"Oh, are we cracking jokes now?" Calista asked as she walked to him.

"Come, I want to show you something," Mr Gold said.

"Okay," Calista said and they walked out of the back of the shop and into Mr Gold car.

Mr Gold drove them to a house, "What do you think?" He asked.

"I think... It's a house and we already have two," Calista said, looking at him.

"When you woke up and said you and Naomi would come home, I bought this... A new home with new memories of us together," Mr Gold said.

"A family home?" Calista said.

"Yes, come on," They got out of the car and Calista walked around to him, "You, me and Naomi," Mr Gold said and took her hand.

She smiled at him and they walked inside the house. Calista followed him around, looking around until they landed in the last room, the master bedroom.

"I'm impressed," Calista said.

"It's not finished, look out the window," Mr Gold said.

Calista walked to the window and saw the docks, she smiled at the sea, "So beautiful," Calista said.

The Betrayal of the Sister [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #2]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя