Setting Up: Part 2

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The other members of Sakura Assassins quickly moved while two others trailed not as quickly behind.

A girl named Nina grunted in frustration as she rolled a shopping cart with a boy named Hyde in it. She wore a black, hooded, bunny cardigan, grey yoga pants, a white t-shirt, and a pair of thick-rimmed steampunk goggles hung around her neck. Her black, gloved hands gripped the handlebars as she dug her roller skates into the cement with every stride just to push the cart.

Nina used Rabbit Chaser, an ability that used a milestone gauge. The gauge would be filled whenever she was moving. Each segment increased her movement speed. Once the gauge is half full, if her opponent moved faster than her, then the gauge would also be filled.

"I hate this job so much," Nina groaned. "Why do I have to do this?"

Hyde turned around, putting an arm on the folded up child seat. He wore a thick bomber jacket and face shield. His fluffy, warm gloves patted the girl's hand. "Because you are one of very few that are compatible with me."

Hyde had a dual gauge. His gauge started full, and allowed him to reduce damage almost to nothing. By depleting the gauge, he could create a huge gravity field around himself, smothering all the opponents to the ground.

"Then, why aren't the other few doing this? Plus, we have no synergy with our powers. You are practically a steel wall, and I'm a speed demon. The last thing I need is an obstacle."

"Don't ask me. I'm not the strategist." He turned to the front and grabbed the side. "Now, go forth! I want to feel the wind against my-"

"Jacket?" Nina rolled her eyes.

"Exactly!" He pumped a fist into the air.

The girl pulled over her black hood. The bunny ears flapped with the wind.

Then, the minute was up.

As slow as they were, a member of the Siren Song sped right next to Nina. Surprised, she skidded off to the side. The cart tilted and Hyde screamed in fear of falling out.

"How?" Nina growled after regaining her balance and the cart's.

"Greetings. The name's Charles," the man introduced himself. He wore a long-sleeved button up with a sweater vest, a pair of black track pants and white joggers. "I didn't know a mother was in this fight."

"Shut up old man," Nina spat. "I'm too young to have a child this old."

"Hey! I'm only 10 years old," Hyde cried.

"More reason as to why I am not your mother." She stuck out her tongue. "And I wouldn't want to be your mother anyhow."

"You kids are rude, ignoring your elders," Charles stated. He stared at Hyde, wondering why he needed to be pushed around in a cart. "But if you can't stand the sight of this man, I suppose I can end this in a snap."

He zipped up to Nina so fast even she was unable to react. He kicked her side. She went tumbling across the floor, coughing and wheezing for air.

"Nina!" Hyde called out.

Nina wiped away her spit. "Worry about yourself you squirt. It'll take more than a kick to knock me out." She popped on her goggles and tightened her hood. With a scuffle of her bunny ears, she growled, "The only place this man is going is a dead end."

Charles scoffed. "Really?" He glanced over at Hyde who was struggling to get out of the cart. "How about ditching that handicap? Seems like a one on one would still not be a fair fight."

"That's not nice," Hyde whined as he rocked the cart to tip it over. "I'm not a handicap."

"Just stay put!" Nina roared. "I got this! This pedophile is going to have a taste of my feet!" She smirked at Charles. "And maybe he'll like it too."

"That's nasty," Hyde grumbled.

"Don't go writing me off as a creepy old man!" Charles yelped. "I'm only in my twenties. And if you have that much time playing around," his eyes dimmed, "then that means you have quite a bit of confidence."

"Come at me!" Nina taunted.

Suddenly, a person appeared behind her. "Will do," a woman whispered, jabbing her knee into Nina's back.

Nina flew spinning into the air. She landed flat on her back. Words failed to form from her pain.

"Nina!" Hyde cried.

A man flipped the cart, and Hyde went rolling onto the floor.

"I would worry about myself if I were you," the man laughed. "Little kids should've stayed out of this. I really don't want to hurt children, but when push becomes shove, I will annihilate them."

Hyde continued to roll until he was able to find his footing and toppled onto his feet. He stared at three newcomers. The female who kicked Nina had medium length hair, wore a green crop top, blue denim short shorts, a pair of black ankle high boots, and several accessories and piercings. The man who flipped Hyde had long unkempt hair, wore a dark green tank top, camouflage pants, army boots and a pair of sunglasses. The third person who stood next to Charles was also a man. He had short hair, wore two shirts, a blue short sleeve over a white long sleeve, khaki cargo pants, and a pair of sandals.

"Now who the hell are you guys?" Hyde questioned as he dusted himself off.

The woman laughed. "Acting tough after you just took a strike? You definitely have some guts, kid."

"Tough kids are the best," said the camouflage man. "They grow up to be the better bunch of society. The most honourable thing to do is a proper introduction." He pounded his chest with a fist and gave his name, Vahn.

"Are you kidding me? You tossed that ball out of the cart, and still managed to say a proper introduction?" The khaki shorts sighed. "But whatever, you and your military ways will alway be a mystery to me." He turned to Hyde. "My name is Luta. If you desire a fair fight, then I do not mind standing on the sideline to watch. Also, this snapping sadist is Ruby." He pointed his thumb at the woman.

"Wow," Ruby said unimpressed. "You ripped off my speech." She then shrugged. "Whatever... Not like I was going to give it to the shorties anyway."

Nina finally recovered from the fall. Her roller skates clicked as she stood. "Don't you dare start writing me off from this fight." Her eyes were fueled with rage. She wiped the blood from her chin. "This rabbit can dig its teeth into flesh."

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