I went back to the dorm and quietly closed the door behind me. I slipped into my bed and luckily as soon as my head touched the pillow I felt into a dreamless sleep, all thankfully because of the potion that mum had sent me.

    The next morning I woke up before the rest of the girls in the dorm. I'be never been a morning person, but the effect of the potion had already worn off. I got up and got ready for the day. I put on the slightest bit of makeup to cover up the dark circles under my eyes that I grew accustomed to throughout the summer. I brushed my teeth and hair before grabbing my bag and headed out the door.

    In the common room, I saw Fred on the large couch scribbling something in a piece of parchment. He then noticed me and stood up putting the parchment into his bag and walked over to where I was standing. "Mooorning" he said winking at me. "Morning to you too. Are you usually up this early?" I asked the redhead. "I'm usually a night owl but I couldn't sleep much last night" he said, "what about you Frenchie? Early riser or night owl?". "Definitely a night owl but I also couldn't sleep" I answered.

    "So my mission for today is to show you around the place and to make sure you have a good laugh" he grinned. "And what makes you think that I need a good laugh Red?" I said to the boy. "I just have a feeling, and Red really? How original" he said sarcastically. "You started with Frenchie so by all means you get Red" I said.

    Fred led the way to the Great Hall. We sat down facing each other on Gryffindor table and Fred began piling eggs, bacon, sausages and toast into his plate. "Hungry are we?" I said as he looked into my eyes already digging into his plate. He chuckled and continued to eat. I served myself a cup of coffee and a bowl of porridge, since I wasn't usually hungry in the mornings. "Is that all that you gonna eat! You have to be joking!" Fred scoffed. I rolled my eyes as I took a spoonful from the steaming bowl. Even though the porridge was good there were no words to explain how much I was craving a croissant and a pain an chocolat.

    "Mr Weasley, Miss Archambeau here are you're timetables," said Professor McGonagall handing each of us a sheet of parchment with our schedules, "Mr Weasley I trust that you can show Miss Archambeau around and please, don't get her in any trouble", she finished before walking away.

    "Shit Frenchie! How many N.E.W.T classes are you taking?! How many O.W.Ls did you get?". "In Beauxbatons we usually take our O.W.Ls in sixth year but since I was top of my class they let me take them at the end of fifth year", I responded while studying my schedule. "Astronomy, charms, potions, transfiguration, DADA, herbology, alchemy and muggle studies" he read from my timetable. "Bloody hell so you're smart smart! I'm only taking charms, DADA and herbology!" He said with an impressed voice tone rather loudly. "Can you be any louder" I said to him sarcastically. "You could say that I'm 'smart smart' but I don't like to brag about it" I said finishing my coffee.

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