Along the fiery road

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Azalea was dragged along the street for what felt like hours but only mere minutes had passed. If she turned around she would still be able to see the Loft.

Azalea didn't turn though. She didn't want to bear witness to her mother standing against the window; a single tear rolling down her cheek.

Cristith knew she had really messed up. She had dug a hole that was finally too deep and there was no way out. Not for her or Azalea.

The guilt that swelled in her chest was enough to make her hate the taste of alcohol.


Azalea dragged her feet along the pavement. Her legs burned and her wrists ached. She could feel blisters forming on her heels.

The only thought that managed to comfort her was the time of day. It was probably nearing midnight. Curfew meant everyone was sound asleep, tucked away, out of sight and unawares. She was granted that much; the ability to leave without a show.

She had born witness to too many arrests in her lifetime. She was very aware of how they handle things.

They would drag their latest slare along the streets until they reached the gates of the inner city, over 20 blocks away. They would then hop on the Helex Express and ride it through the inner city, around the Palace and then through the Amber Mountains until they reached the Labor Houses.

It was a long and gruesome journey, one she never thought she'd be taking.

Azalea knew they wouldn't reach the Labor Houses until tomorrow evening.

The moons rays were a beacon of blue amongst the fiery glow around her. She glanced up to stare at the stars and ran straight into S.

He growled at her abruptness.

Azalea sank into herself hoping S wouldn't punish her, but instead he just stood there.

She was confused as to why they had stopped walking. The inner city was still 14 blocks away and the moons were no longer at their peak, meaning the night was slipping away from them. Azalea wanted to be gone before six. She wanted to be out of the streets and away from prying eyes. She knew the work day started rather early around here; these people have to eat somehow.

She poked her head around S and saw four figures standing amongst the shadows just staring at them.

Strange. Azalea thought.

She figured everyone obeyed curfew. The consequences were too high to not obey them.

Both S and H61 glanced at each other. The look they shared implied two things.

One. They were not in the mood to deal with anyone else tonight.

And two. Azalea was almost certain they were going to kill them.

She swallowed and took a step away from the two Hellfire's. She wanted no part in this and yet somehow she knew there would be no avoiding it. She was tethered to S and was almost positive he wouldn't release her.

S turned and faced her.

"It's your lucky night, A." Azalea stared at him puzzled.

"You get to see us in action." He twitched and Azalea shivered inwardly.

"I'm going to break our bond but don't even think about leaving. We'll catch you and then you'll be in even more shit then you already are."

Azalea was not one to break the law, ever; right now didn't count of course.

Running hadn't crossed her mind anyway; she knew they'd sniff her out immediately.

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