Nothing much, I'm at the shop right now alone and bored wby?

Laying down in my bed doing nothing

Do you wanna come by the flower shop and do me some company ;)

Sure why not I have nothing better to do, I will be right there

Ok see you soon Malik :)

Zain looked at his phone. He had a bright smile and his face was hot from blushing. He got up from his bed and headed out.

Before he would get to the front door Louis blocked his way. Louis stood in the front door blocking Zain's way "Where do you think you are going?"

"I-I was gonna buy some milk since we don't have any"

"The last time I checked we did have milk, now be honest with me Malik where are you going"

Zain sigh giving up and responded with "Flower shop"

Louis smiled "I knew it! Are you gonna see your boyfriend" Zain looked at him and said "He is not my boyfriend now move I need to go" Louis chuckled and asked "Why in a rush"

"UGH Louis move" Zain said again pushing him out of the way before getting outside and hoping in his car.

He drove to the small flower shop and got out of his car. He opened the door the flower shop and the little bell ringed

Harry lifted his head and saw Zain standing there. The green eyes waved at the golden ones "Hi there"

"Hi" Zain responded shyly. He didn't know why he was feeling like this being around with Harry makes him feel shy for some reason.

Harry took Zains hand and walked him behind the counter. He told Zain he would be right back with a other seat so he could sit there.

Seconds later Harry came with a other chair and placed it next to his. Zain and Harry sat down on their chairs.

Zain then asked "Why did you wanted me to come here?"

"Well in days like this I'm usually alone. I was thinking maybe you could make me some company since I wanna get to know you better" Harry responded showing Zain his smile and also his dimple

Zain looked at the dimple. He thought of it as a work of art. He realized he was looking at him for seconds now. He blushed and looked away from Harry.

There was a silent paused but Zain broke it by asking him "Then what do you want to know about me?"

"Honestly everything"

"Ok then ask me anything"

Harry put his hand under his chin and started thinking until he got and idea "What are your hobbies?"

Zain looked at Harry directly in the eye smiling "I like drawing and writing"

"Why those two specifically?"

Zain looked at Harry confusingly "What do you mean?"

Harry looked at Zain and gave him a small smile "I mean why do you like doing those two things"

Zain smiled and replied with "Well I like doing those things cause they calm me down but also I draw because I can express my ideas in a form of drawing. I write the things I'm thinking about example like the things that happened to me"

"Yeah that sounds like it could calm someone down, it also sounds fun" Harry said smiling at Zain. Zain cheeks turned red from the heat raising from his face.

"What about you what are your hobbies?" Zain asked Harry

Harry answered "The things i do are not that interesting. Like I work here this is one of my hobbies working here watering the plants wen Eve is not here but I also like baking"

"That's pretty interesting and what got you into these things?"

"Basically this job I got is because of Eve. Me and Eve had been Best Friends since we where little. But the Baking that is from my Mom she teaches me how to bake"

Zain gave Harry a small warming smile "That is sounds interesting you should tell me more"

Harry cheeks turned a bright pink and he looked away avoiding eye contact with Zain. He laughed nervously "Sure"

The bell from the shop ringed. Harry looked towards the direction and saw Susan, he told Zain to wait and went towards Susan to attend her.

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