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Turns out they did have to rush in, nearly last minute. Bonnie's hair took longer to perfect and Caroline couldn't decide on one style. Meanwhile, Elena was chasing for her shoes all over the mansion, not returning when she left.

Caroline groaned, flipping through the magazine searching for a new hairstyle. "I'm so glad that the wedding is in the backyard because we cannot afford to be late."

"Maybe if you just chill and pick one design and we won't?" Bonnie suggested. The human Caroline had compelled to do their hairs finished the last touches on her hair. The second one looked angry and impatient and Bonnie wondered if Caroline was itching to rip into her throat.

Caroline shook her head. "This is going to be the happiest night of our lives, especially with Elena sticking around. For now."

"I told you, I don't want to see Kai's face ever again," Bonnie said, rising and glancing at herself in the mirror. It was the prettiest she had ever been.

"What happened between the two of you anyway? A while ago, you ran off with him to spend Christmas and now Klaus is telling me he had to stop you from nearly killing him?"

Bonnie contemplated telling her, Caroline was her best friend. "I had just found out that he had Sybil wipe my memories of loving Enzo." Caroline's frozen reaction was not what she expected. Bonnie narrowed her eyes, confused. Knowing Caroline, her face could tell a story of what she was feeling. And the way her mouth was twitching uncomfortably told Bonnie that..."You knew?"

"I-I mean I suspected and I didn't mind because you were starting to look happy and strong again and I convinced myself that it was good for you because Enzo dying was very painful and it sucked having to check up on your mental health every night when I was trying to be happy with Klaus so I assumed that everything would be alright," Caroline rambled on and on, trying to justify her actions.

"So you knew that he had stolen my memories, violated me, and left it to hang? You just let me go on with my life without knowing that he had killed Elena?"

Caroline's eyes widened to that. "I didn't know he took the memories of killing Elena as well."

Bonnie shook her head, deciding to reign more of her anger for later, after the wedding. The door wound open again, Elena stepping in. "What's going on? I heard yelling from across the house."

Bonnie sighed, straightening her dress. "Nothing. Let's get going." She left without looking back.


When Bonnie stepped into the decorated lawn, she was impressed by the deco. Fairy lights and garlands hung everywhere, chairs lining the way for the path of roses to the altar. A couple of guests from the town had already arrived, talking amongst themselves. There were servers, each serving champagne and one-bite foods. Bonnie caught Tyler's eyes and quickly hurried to him.

"You're still in town?" She asked as she sank into a white chair. 

"Can't miss this, you know? Might be Elena's last night of happiness," Tyler shrugged. Bonnie didn't miss that he believed there was a possibility for her to stay, for things to get handled by Kai. "How are you? It's been a while since we've caught up."

Bonnie sighed, crossing her legs. "The usual, the witch of Mystic Falls."

"I heard you didn't have magic."

"It's been on and off lately. I've been trying to figure it out at home, kind of getting somewhere."

"Oh, right, I forgot to tell you," Tyler's eyes widened as if a light bulb had been lit in his head. "The Lockwood Mansion? I've been trying to decide who to give it to. I guess that since your dad used to be the Mayor, it should go to you."

Bonnie scrunched her eyes. "You're not staying in it?"

"I've decided to move up north, there's a pack I've been building for myself. A family."

Bonnie nodded slowly in approval as Caroline and Elena jogged out. Bonnie turned to him, rising as she said, "Thank you, Tyler. I appreciate it." She hurried with the two other girls, standing at the edges of the altar. 

Ric was already there, in a sharp white tuxedo with Damon to his right. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand and Bonnie sighed. She should have known he wouldn't get off his addiction that easily. As a vampire, he was attached to it already, it's basically a backbone. Stefan stood behind his brother, hands in front of him patiently.

Elena whispered a couple of things to Alaric, Ric later laughing as he responded.

Bonnie straightened as the doors opened, the wedding bells ringing. Jo stepped out, sort of wobbling a bit before stepping fully onto the aisle. She was holding each of her girls' hands, both skipping happily. They had white-cut mini dresses, flowing on the floor. Jo on the other hand...her dress was tainted with light turquoise paint, all over her front dress and bit on the sides. She was smiling as she arrived at the altar, the crowd clapping and watching as she went.

Ric held a hand out to Jo as Bonnie took the girls. She held their palms, smiling down at their happy faces. 

"I assume that was intentional?" Ric said, referring to her dress.

Jo snorted, shaking her head. "Lizzie was playing with the paint as I tried to fix my falling apart hair. Turns out I should have asked Caroline for help in that department. Regardless, I think it looks cute, especially since it kind of matches the bridesmaid's dresses."

"You look beautiful," Ric honestly said, leaning in for a small peck.

Damon clicked his tongue, pushing his glass of whiskey into Stefan's grasp. He pulled out a mini bible from his vest, standing in between the bride and groom. "Keep your hands off each other, children. God is watching." The crowd chuckled.

Ric rolled his eyes, laughing too as he took a step back. "Take it away, Priest Damon."

"Oh, Ric. You and I both know that I'm a man of many sins." With that, he winked at Elena who giggled. 

Bonnie wanted to internally gag and glanced down as Josie tugged at her dress. "Yes?"

The child beckoned her lower, whispering in Bonnie's ear. "Can I tell you a secret?" Bonnie nodded as Damon began to read. "We're playing hide and seek."

Bonnie narrowed her eyes, looking over to Lizzie, who was still at her side. "With...with who?"

"With Uncle Kai!" Josie jumped and Bonnie's eyes widened.

"Josie, you weren't supposed to tell anyone! Now, Uncle Kai is gonna get really angry," Lizzie hissed.

Bonnie knelt down to their level, pulling them a bit further from the ceremony. "Where's Uncle Kai?"

"I don't know, that's why we're playing hide and seek," Josie shrugged.

"But he said he will come out of his hiding spot soon and take us to the North Pole!" Lizzie jumped. "And he said we could eat as much candy as we want!"

Bonnie rose to her full height, taking a bit too long to figure out the scheme. In her line of sight, right as Jo was speaking her vows, the front of her dress started to stain red. She gasped and Ric's eyes followed to her abdomen, watching as the red spread through her white dress. It was so very quiet and you could hear the faint tearing of the flesh. Ric opened his mouth to ask--

The air behind Jo rippled, Kai emerging. Jo fell to the floor, body not moving as he brought the bloody knife up high. Bonnie stumbled as the scene unfolded brutally in front of her. Through it all, she could hear Kai mumble, "I was gonna wait till the "death do us part" bit. But it seemed a little on the nose. Am I right? "


"Life is so much easier with magic."

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