Chapter 17: Memories from Two Years Ago

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A few weeks after Izuku was taken away Nezu suddenly appears in 1A's classroom.

"Aizawa-kun, we have something to do!" he says cheerfully.

"but I have class." Aizawa says.

"it's about Midoriya-kun, the kids can come as well." Nezu says.

"Understood." Aizawa, Nezu and class 1A head to the hospital where Izuku was being kept. Aizawa and Nezu were taken to a separate room than the kids. After about a minute a door opens and Izuku is let in. He didn't have anything restraining him but Aizawa noted the quirk cancelling cuff around his ankle.

"Midoriya-kun, may I ask why you wanted to see us?"

"thankyou for coming, I'm sure it was a very short notice request." Izuku says. Aizawa immediately noticed that he was different from normal.

"you seem more normal Midoriya-kun." Nezu says.

He has no filter sometimes. Izuku laughs but it wasn't like before, it didn't make shivers run up your spine.

It was a normal laugh.

The laugh of a normal child.

"I've been told that it could change at any moment, that's why I asked to talk to you as soon as possible, before this went away, I'm as close to the 'original' Izuku Midoriya as I can get right now." Izuku says.

"well, what did you wish to talk about?" Aizawa asks. Izuku takes a seat infront of his teacher and principal.

"I wanted to tell you about what happened during the year I was missing." Izuku says.

"you remember?"

"yes, all of it."

"then it makes even less sense that you are like this." Aizawa says.

"I know, but let me start before I go back to what you know."

"yes, go on." Nezu says. Izuku looks over to the one way glass that took up a whole wall.

"Are the others behind that glass, I guess this would be a good learning opportunity, when I was kidnapped I was walking home from school, normally I would take sometime if there were any hero fights to go and watch and record what I saw in my notebook but I hadn't heard anything so I was just going home then they appeared."

"they appeared, did you know that you were going to be kidnapped when they appeared?" Aizawa asks. Izuku shakes his head.

"Shigaraki appeared out of Kurogiri and then everything went black, I don't know what they did, when I woke up I was already at their base locked in a concrete cell, they knew I was quirkless but I wasn't that surprised, it wasn't a secret and villains have a way to find out information if they need it." Izuku says.

"what about when they gave you the quirk?" Nezu asks.

"that took a few months." Izuku says immediately.

"A few months, why?" Aizawa asks.

"they had to find a quirk that assimilated well with my body, every day, in and out until I was on the verge of passing out I had different quirk shoved into me and then ripped back out and just as it sounds it's not a very pleasant feeling, I think it would be best to describe it as them pulling my skin off, or maybe pulling my nerves out of my body, anyway it felt like something was being ripped and pulled out every time and having it put in wasn't any better, I didn't last very long the first few times but as the days went on I was able to endure the pain more and so the tests went on longer."

"and so they stopped when they found the quirk that fit you?" Nezu asks. Izuku starts to laugh.

"stop, no, when they found that this quirk fit me they then made me fight Nomu, they wanted to make a Nomu that can kill All Might, I don't see how having a recently quirkless kid fight against a Nomu would help them understand whether it would beat All Might or not but that's what happened, I almost died a few times, I woke up a few times covered in bandages but I felt no pain, I later worked out that I felt no pain because I had overworked my quirk." Izuku explains.

After talking to Aizawa and Nezu for a while about what had happened during that year he was with the villains Izuku sits back in his chair and sighs. He looks to the glass once again and smiles.

"something wrong?" Aizawa asks.

"no, I was just thinking about how surprised Kacchan would have been, seeing the once timid Izuku Midoriya happy and bubbly trying to be friends with everyone, to tell the truth, it's probably because the only thing I fear now is master, everything else is nothing compared to him."

"Master?" Nezu says.

"the man behind Shigaraki, I don't know his name all I know is that Shigaraki called him master and so that's the only way I know to call him." Izuku says. Izuku looks to the ceiling. "well, I think that's everything I need to tell you."

"very well, if you remember anything else just call for us again." Nezu says.

"of course." Izuku says.

Nezu leaves the room but Aizawa stays behind. Izuku gives him a smile as he stands up and stretches. Aizawa get's a call from Nezu saying that they will meet back at the school and that he took the rest of 1A back with him. He knew that Aizawa still wanted to talk to Izuku alone.

"something you need Aizawa-sensei?" Izuku asks.

"If you were to come out of this place well enough what will you do?" Aizawa asks watching Izuku take a seat once again.

Izuku cocks his head thinking.

"who knows, I will get treatment for this properly, I don't want to hurt anyone just because I have gone through something terrible." Izuku says turning to Aizawa with a smile.

"I see, well, like Nezu said, if you need to talk about anything just get the hospital to call us." Aizawa heads for the door.

"Sensei?" Aizawa turns back, his hand still on the door handle.

"is it possible for someone like me to become a hero?" Izuku was looking at his hands that sat in his lap.

"you can be a hero, what's stopping you?" Aizawa asks. Izuku snaps his eyes up to Aizawa's shocked. It seemed that was all Izuku needed, the sentence he needed to hear the most.

Streams of tears run down his cheeks for a few seconds before he starts to furiously rub them away.

"thankyou, sensei, I'll do my best to become a hero!"

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