Extra Chapter: Love is Love.

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"Hello, Midoriya-kun."

"Hello, Todoroki-kun." Izuku skips his way over to his desk behind Bakugo. He takes his seat and Bakugo turns around in his chair. Izuku notices him watching and grins.

"Okay class, get ready." Aizawa says walking into the classroom.

Everyone took their seats and class started. Soon they were outside getting ready to do some hero training. Izuku still had to train to use his quirk better since he was still not that good at controlling it like the other kids. Since they have had their quirks since they were 4 years old.

"Midoriya go and practice your quirk control." Aizawa says.

"Awe, again?" Izuku asks, unhappy.

"yes, again, you need to learn to control your quirk as well as the rest of your classmates, I don't want anything happening to either you or your classmates." he says.

"fine, I understand." Izuku says, walking over to a clearing with a few trees. He starts to do some of the quirk control assessments that Aizawa had told him to do.

After that the rest of the students start to do their activities to make their quirks stronger and to gain even more control over their quirks.

"Aizawa-sensei, when do you think Midoriya-kun can join normal classes?" Uraraka asks.

"he needs to catch up to all of you in terms of control, with how fast he is progressing, probably about another month." Aizawa says.

After classes when everyone was getting ready to back to their dorms.

"Deku," Izuku looks up to see Bakugo walking over to him finished with packing his books.

"Yes Kacchan?"

"Mum wants to see you." he says.

"Ah, I haven't seen Auntie for a long time, not since I was rescued." Izuku says grinning. "when are we going to see her?"

"tonight, for dinner, I got permission." Bakugo says.


After going back to their dorm to get changed Bakugo and Izuku head to Bakugo's house to have dinner with his mum and dad. Inko also joined in on dinner since she only lived five minuets away.

"Izu!" Mitsuki says happily hugging Izuku when he walks though the door.

"Hello Auntie Mitsuki!" He says equally as happy as she is.

"Hello Izuku."

"Hello Sir." Izuku says when Bakugo's father greets him.

He knows he cannot make Izuku refer to him in a more familiar tone like his wife so he just accepts the greeting and they continue on into the loungeroom. Bakugo and his mother cook and from the kitchen you could hear them yelling at each other their sentences riddled with swearing and curses.

"how has school been for you Izuku, a lot has happened."

"It's been great, I was so happy to see Kacchan again when I started going to UA." Izuku says.

"Katsuki was shocked to see you there, he was always so worried about you when you went missing."

"I missed him too, I always dreamt that Kacchan was going to be the one to save me, he has always been my hero."

"you look up to Katsuki don't you Izu?" Inko asks, smiling as her son beams at the question

"yes, I have always admired Kacchan, even before he got his quirk!"

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