Of course, Fred and George quickly began to tell us all sorts of jokes to lighten the mood. Which ended up working until all of us were laughing so hard our stomachs were hurting and we needed to pee. As our laughter died down I turned my head to look around the room, as it seemed a bit emptier now than when we first arrived. There were a few groups of friends scattered around the room as well as a few couples.

I turned my head slowly back to my friend as my eyes caught his. I felt my heart stop as it was the first time I had looked at them since I kissed him a week ago. I felt all my muscles tighten up as he sat there with his friend group as his arm was draped around Pansy as she seemed to be enjoying this moment of being close to him. Yet as much as I wanted to tear my eyes away from the two of them, I couldn't. Seeing his eyes again after a week made me remember everything about that night. It replayed in my head and he knew it. He had an effect on me and it was going to eat me alive, but I had to act like nothing happened in order to keep myself sane.

As my fingers tightened around my glass of butterbeer I snapped my head back forwards towards my friends. I picked up my glass and pressed it to my lips as I took a big swig before I returned back to the conversation. 

But throughout the remainder of our visit, I could feel Draco's eyes on me, staring through my soul as I tried to forget about his existence. But it felt like my skin was on fire with his eyes attached to me. It was annoying and it was skinning in. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath to clear my thoughts. 

"You ready to go?" Ginny said from across the table as I opened my eyes.

"Yeah," I said, "I just need to go to the bathroom first." 

I pushed myself out of my chair as everyone began to get up. 

"We will meet you outside," Ginny said towards me as I grabbed my scarf and held it in my grasp, and took off towards the bathroom, passing by Draco's table with all his friends as his eyes followed my body, continuing to burn through my skin as it felt like I was walking through fire.

I made my way towards the back as my friends made their way outside. I pushed the door to the bathroom open as I walked over to the skin. I wrapped my scarf around my neck as I walked over to the skin and began to wash my hands. Once my hands were dry I gripped onto the side of the skin tightly as I looked at myself in the mirror just as the door swung open. My eyes darted in that direction as I saw Draco's platinum blond hair come into view as he kept his back towards me as the lock on the door clicked.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I turned around to face him. 

"You've been avoiding me," He said as he turned around to face me.

"You are being ridiculous you know that," I scoffed as I walked up towards him to unlock the door but he quickly grabbed my wrist, pulling me in front of him as he looked down at me.

"You have been avoiding me, Green," He said again 

"No, I call it, planning my day so I don't have to see you," I stated as I pulled my wrist out of his grasp.

"I think it's avoiding." 

"That's your opinion," I said, "now let me go, so I can go back to my friends and you can go back to canoodling with Pansy."

"You're jealous."

"I'm not jealous, Malfoy."

"Really?" He chuckled, "because to me it seems like you are."

"Can I just leave?" I asked, crossing my arm over my chest as he stared blankly at me.

"No," He stated, taking a step towards me, closing the space between us as he leaned down as if he was going to kiss me again but quickly adverting his lips towards my ear, sending chills down my spine as his breath danced across my skin.

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