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The next morning I woke up well before my alarm and lay in bed. The events from yesterday replayed in my head on repeat as I desperately waited for my alarm to go off. But still, I stared at the ceiling as I could picture Draco's face as he stood there in front of me last night not saying a single word, and how it annoyed me to my core. Then the way he handled me with care was a way I had never felt before. As much as I don't like to think about my time with Liam Avery, I just thought Draco would be the same but he wasn't. He was in fact different. But Godric I couldn't get over how his lips felt on mine. Every time was like tasting sweet sugar for the first time and it only made me want more. He was a drug calling me back for more and I had to fight the urge and resist anything more. 

Then again his touch was mesmerizing. His fingers dancing over my skin as I sunk into his cold, icy touch. I wanted to break through the layers of ice and pull him into a world where it was warm and bright, no longer filled with darkness. But it's Draco Malfoy we are talking about, he's probably been cold since he was born, or was he? 

As soon as my alarm when off I jumped out of bed and began to get ready while Hermione rolled around for a second before shooting up. Her hair was pointing in all sorts of directions as it had become frizzy overnight. As I pulled my skirt over my waist I heard her mumble something as she walked over to the bathroom and shut the door. With my skirt on I searched the floor for my white button-up, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I swear it was here the other day when I got ready to go to Hogsmead.

"Hermione, have you seen my button-up?" I asked as she pulled the door open. 

"No, I haven't," She said as I looked at her as her wild hair was now tamed.

"I thought I left it here on the floor but now it is gone."

"Did you send it to be washed?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Just wear your sweater, I am sure no one will notice your button-up is missing."

"Somebody will," I huffed as I dug through my trunk case, hoping to find a spare button-up, but it was no luck. I let out a long sigh as I picked up my sweater and threw it on over the sports bra I had on and made sure it looked okay. I left my tie on the edge of my bed as I walked over to the bathroom to finish getting ready. 

*  *  *

"Anna, can you pass me the toast?" Ron asked over the commotion of breakfast as he shoved more sausage in his mouth. Not even taking a breath to swallow the food he had in his mouth. I looked over at Ginny who shrugged her shoulder like it was normal as I picked up the plate of toast and handed it to him. 

"Ron, you are going to make yourself sick," Hermione protested towards him as the Great Hall began to grow louder with the students who were coming in to eat before classes started.

"So," He said through a mouthful as he looked in her direction, "I'm hungry."

"You truly are disgusting sometimes," Ginny mumbled as she carried on reading her studies. I watched as Hermione rolled her eyes and continued with her O.W.Ls. Meanwhile, I returned to eating my food as Harry took a seat next to Ron. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ginny perk up just a little as I chuckled under my breath at her. Which resulted in her hitting my arm.

"Pass the bacon please," Harry mumbled, running his fingers through his hair. Without even looking up Hermione grabbed the plate from in front of her and passed it over to him.

"You okay Harry? You look tired," I said as he scooped a couple of pieces onto his plate before setting it between him and Ron.

"Yeah, I am fine," He said.

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