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The following Monday morning I made my way to Dark Arts. It was no longer called Defense Against the Dark Arts since we didn't need to learn how to defend ourselves. When I walked in I took a seat with Neville near Dean and Seamus as we were the only four Gyffindors who had DADA at this time. I wonder how different the class would be if Hermione, Ron, and Harry were here. All of us were worried about them and what they were doing. The class filled up with the other students mostly Slytherin students at this time period but the four of us minded our own business in the back, waiting for class to start.

"Alright class, today we will be practicing the Crucio Cruse," Professor Carrow said. Everyone began to whisper amongst each other in disbelief. Seamus, Dean, and I looked to Neville as Carrow made his way to the front of the classroom.

"Shut it," He shouted once he got to the front.

"That it is a forbidden curse. We can not practice it," I blurted out as the whole class fell silent.

"Ah, we have our first demonstrator. Miss Green care to take on the Crucio Curse."

"No," I said firmly as everyone's eyes fell on me. Professor Carrow walked right up to my desk and pressed his wand right into my neck as the whole class watched in horror. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Neville began to stand up in my defense.

"Sit Mr. Longbottom, or you'll end up just like your parents," Carrow said as Neville slowly sat back down in his seat. Carrow's attention turned back to me.

"You will do as I say, now get up and show the class how the curse works. We all know you know what it does to the victim." I slowly stood up from my seat and made my way to the front of the classroom as Carrow followed behind me. When I got to the front there stood a scared little first year.

"No, I am not practicing on a first-year," I begged at this point. Turning around to walk back to my seat.

"And why would you not listen to your professor?" Carrow asked a placed his hand on my shoulders holding me back.

"Because it is an unforgivable curse. We are meant to learn about it but never use it. It puts the victim in lots of unbearable pain,"

"Well, things are different this year, perhaps should I show the class on you," He said pointing his wand at me.

"No professor, but I refuse to practice the curse or use it on a first-year," I said standing my ground in front of him. Staring down his wand.

"It's a shame you are untouchable Miss Green," Carrow whispered as he walked behind me. I looked at the first year and told him to leave.

"Goyle, come up here. Let's make the class a little more interesting," He said as Groyle walked up to the front of the classroom standing next to me. As I went to sit down Carrow stopped me and told me to stay at the front of the classroom. Carrow grabbed a mouse from one of the cages setting it down on the floor.

"Remind me, Miss Green, how many sisters do you have? Two correct? Henley and what is the other one?" He taunted as he transfigured the mouse on the floor into my little sister Quinn.

"Quinn," I breathed.

"Quinn that's right," He said as my little sister, or mouse, stood in front of me. Hot tears pooled in my eyes as I went to move over to him but Groyle grabbed me and held me back. The whole class watched in fear as Carrow turned to the class.

"Now, class, let me make this my only reminder of what happens when you don't listen to my orders," Carrow said as he took his stance.

"Stop, don't do this," I cried out in Goyle's grasp.

"Crucio!" Carrow yelled out at the curse that hit my little sister. Even though it was a transfigured mouse she seemed so lifelike. I screamed out as I watched what Professor Carrow had made my little sister overcome in pain. Groyle held me back as I tried to release myself from his grasp. Carrow stood there with a smile on his face as the rest of the class turned their faces away to not watch. After a few moments, Carrow released everyone from class. Groyle let go of me as I fell to the ground in front of the classroom. After a few moments, Neville walked up to the front to grab me. As we made our way out of the classroom I grabbed my books and headed off toward the library.

Word spread quickly around Hogwarts of what happened in my DA class. Students began to whisper and look at me as I passed them in the halls. I found myself in the second-floor girls' bathroom crying. I gripped the sides of the sink as I gasped out for air. Feeling as if I were the one who was attacked. Not my sister. After I few moments I heard the door open. I brought my hands to my face and whipped away my tears as I thought it was other girls coming into use of the bathroom. When I turned around there stood Draco. I quickly ran into his arms. Letting my body crash into his as I wrapped my arms around him and burned my face into his neck. Dracos's arms slipped around my waist and held me tight as I began to cry again.

"Shh, it's okay, it wasn't real," He said as he placed one of his hands on the back of my head.

"You should have been there, I can't do this. I need to go home," I mumbled into his neck.

"Anna, it was only a mouse not her. He didn't actually harm her. I promise you that they are safe. My mother is watching over your family," He stated as I pulled myself back from Draco.

"But it was so lifelike," I cried as I searched his eyes. His hands flew to my face and he quickly stopped my head from moving around.

"I know, I know," He said as his thumbs whipped away my falling tears.

"Can we please visit your mom? I really need to see her," I said as I looked up at Draco. he seemed a bit confused.

"I can't go see mine, they are in the muggle world and I don't want to scare them by just showing up. My mom will think something is wrong."

"Yeah, let's go," He said. Before I knew it we arrived at the Manor. It was nothing like I had ever imagined. It was dark and cold. Filled with fancy paintings and furniture.

"Go to the library, down the stairs, and to left. I'll go get my mother, we will meet you there," Draco said and placed a kiss on my forehead. I made my way down to the library. I pushed open the door and I was greeted by aisle after aisle of books. In front of me, there was a black velvet couch with a long mahogany coffee table. There were two armchairs and then over in the corner next to a window was a desk. My feet took me along the aisle as I waited for Draco to come back with his mother. I dragged my fingers along the shelves as they picked up dust. Most of the books looked like they have never been but a select few. As I pushed the dust off my fingers I heard the doors to the library open. I made my way out of the aisle and back to the front of the room. As I came around the corner there stood Narcissa. I quickly walked over to her and wrapped her in a warm embrace as I heard Draco close the doors.

"What is the matter dear?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I can't be at Hogwarts with those professors anymore," I said as I let go of our embrace.

"Let's sit and you can talk to me. Draco why don't you go make us some tea," She said before placing a kiss on his cheek. I watched Draco leave the room and close the door. Mrs. Malfoy walked me over to the couch and we sat down.

"What happened my dear?"

"Professor Amycus Carrow. He wanted me to perform the Curcio curse on a 1st year and I couldn't. I know that pain. I can't. I would never do that to someone. So then he transfigured a mouse into my youngest sister and tortured me," I cried as she pulled me closer to her. She just let me cry into her chest as Draco came back into the room with some tea. I felt the seat beside me dip as Draco placed his hand on my back. Both of them calmed me down as I just cried to the two of them.

As I sat in the library at the Manor, I never thought that I'd be crying to Narcissa Malfoy. In her house, there was Death Eater roaming around freely. After a while, I sat back with Draco and cuddled up next to him as I drank my tea. Narcissa had moved and went to sit at one of the armchairs as I leaned against Draco in his grasp as he read a book about Arithmancy. Every now and then his fingers would gently draw over my forearm as he was solving a problem. It made me feel at peace being here with him. Felt like we were exactly where we were supposed to be.

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