My First Day

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5:00 am.

Aunt Mandy walked in to my room with breakfast and some orange juice. She set it down on the night stand next to my bed. She said my name until I woke up.

Aunt Mandy- Morning Y/N. It's your first day of school!

Y/N- yay sooo excited (i say dramatically)

Aunt Mandy- The neighbors son is giving you a ride to school for the next month or so

Y/N- does that require me to be nice in the mornings?

Aunt Mandy- You should be respectful every time of the day

Y/N' yah yah whatever. can you please leave so I can get dressed?

Aunt Mandy- Of course. Breakfast is right next to you.

I finished my breakfast and got in the shower. I put my vanilla shampoo and conditioner in my hair as well as a rinse out hair mask. I grabbed my vanilla bean body wash. I finished my shower and went into my closet to get ready. I grabbed ripped mom jean and a vintage ACDC shirt. As well as a string type of thing to use as a belt. I grabbed my vans from my shoe rack and brought down my dishes from breakfast. I went to the downstairs bathroom and brushed my teeth. Once I was done I went to the living room and sat with my Aunt. She proceeded to tell me the neighbor will be out front in about a half hour. Within that half hour I decided to go on tiktok and make a few.

The first two.
By the time I was done a car horn blared out front. I yelled to my Aunt that I was leaving. I walked out the door and saw that boy. I got up to the car and he opened my door. I smiled and he said we were making a side stop at Starbucks. We got there and he got a pink drink and I got the same. We pulled up to the school only to be stared at by everyone there. We stepped out of the car and he walked me inside. I was in the main office when this hunk walked in. Mason Hilton. I've seen him on my fyp a couple of times. We both asked for our schedules are the same time. We both said hi and walked to the main hallway. It was awkward until we both said "so" at the same time. "You go first" I said. "Want to compare schedules"? "Yeah sure". We had 7 classes together. Even gym. Gross. We both found are way to first period and sat next to eachother. We had to work on group projects. The teacher started calling names for the groups when the door bursts open. And there was my neighbor walking in 10 minutes late like nothing happened.

Something Different. - V.H. (ON HOLD)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt