My New Beginning

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A/N- Hi if you're reading this please don't judge I'm trying my best.

My parents left not even thinking about me. They left about a year ago when I just turned 17. I obviously had a job and a car but never knew how I was gonna support myself through senior year. That's right I'm graduating a year early due to having all A's freshman year in all my honors classes. I really tried focusing on myself but fell under depression. My Aunt reached out about 3 months ago in the beginning of summer. She was willing to help me out until I graduate. And now here I am packing up my stuff for my "new life". My phone started ringing, its my Aunt.

Phone Call-

Aunt Mandy- Hey babe, are you almost done?

Y/N- Just getting these last few boxes and then I should be there in about 5 hours.

Aunt Mandy- Alright well be safe and I will see you soon. Love you.

Y/N- Love you too Aunt Mandy.

About a half hour later I was finally finished. I payed the haulers and had them follow behind me. I got in my car and sighed thinking about leaving my home once and for all. I started up my car and headed to the highway. I wanted to drive because it's a better experience. Once I was about 20 minutes into the drive, I connected my bluetooth to the car. Turning on of course some sad music because why not. My song lately has been train wreck. The song just goves out a vibe and makes you feel different after hearing the song multiple times. Let's just say this is my shower song and when I'm upset I immediately turn it on. Cause Life Is A Train Wreck.

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