We Finally "Meet"

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The footsteps progressively got louder until the stopped. I turn around to see Hacker looking up at the tv. I slowly turn back around and feel the ceat next to me sink. I continue to stare at the tv and he speaks up.

Hacker- so uh hi how you doin i really didn't want to anser
Y/N- good, what about you Hacker
Hacker- it's Vincent but call me Vinnie he said with a smirk
We had a small conversation when we got on a touchy subject..Family. I started saying how I had parents until last year. I talked about my past relationships and how I've been cheated and lied to multiple times. He gave me a hug as I just sat there foghting the urge to cry. I couldn't hold it in any longer, so I asked ehere the bathroom was. Once I reached the bathroom I bursyed into tears. I had to make sure I wasn't in there too long. After I stopped, I walked to the sink and washed my face.

A/N- Sorry its short my cat fell asleep on my and its hard to type with 1 arm.

Something Different. - V.H. (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora