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                KAORI SIGHS WIGGLING HER yellow painted toes in content as she took off her tennis shoes

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                KAORI SIGHS WIGGLING HER yellow painted toes in content as she took off her tennis shoes. Today had been a drag for the woman after having to do a twenty hour shift at the hospital while dealing with demanding family's awaiting information on their loved ones, a heart transplant, and paperwork on top of paperwork. Her job was truly exhausting.

Getting up from her bed, she walks into her connected bathroom and grabs a hair clip, pinning her hair up. She turns on the water letting it fill up for her bath then grabs her Dr. Teals epsom salt, sprinkling some in. She also adds some of the Melatonin bath soap, wanting to knock out as soon as she got in bed. Kaori strips out of her clothes and gets in. A instant sigh of relief leaving her body as she eased into the hot water.

Kaori rests her head against the wall, her eyes closed as she enjoys the silence. Working at a hospital can get very chaotic, especially at night.


Kaori's eyes shoot open at the sound. It sounded much like her stairs. As quiet as she can, Kaori gets out, wrapping a towel around. Opening the cabinet under the sink, she grabs her gun, a G19. Taking it off safety, she carefully opens her bathroom door. Her room was empty.

"It's probably not even anybody in here." Kaori utters feeling silly.

She leaves her room and checks the living room, dining room, and kitchen. She smiles to herself when she sees no one.

"I need to go to sleep immediately, over here-!"

A hand is placed over her mouth while the gun is snatched out of her hand and placed at her lower back.

"Make a sound and I'll shoot you. A few officers will be knocking on your door looking for me at any second. You'll tell them that you haven't seen me, you just got home from work and took a shower. If you tell them anything but, I'll kill you. Got it?"

Before Kaori could answer, there's a knock at her door.

"Go." The stranger whispers pushing Kaori forward then goes to hide.

Kaori wipes her tears and drys her hands on the towel. She pulls the door open a frown on her face.

"How can I help you, officer?"

"Uh yeah, we're just going through the neighborhood encouraging everyone to stay inside, lock their doors, and keep a weapon on them at all times. There's a serial killer on the loose. This is what she looks like."

Kaori stares at the picture for a while before nodding

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Kaori stares at the picture for a while before nodding.

"She's known to switch her hairstyles a lot. If you see her or have any information give us a call down at the station." He says passing Kaori a card with the police station's contact information and a copy of the picture.

Kaori shoots the man a forced smile. "Will do."

"Have a good night, miss."

"You too."

She quickly closes her door and locks it.

"Now wh-"

Kaori looks around in confusion seeing her gun on her island and the person gone.

ok what y'all think?
I might change Kaori's fc.

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