Daini mixes her hand to hand combat weapons and blaster pistols as Jake uses his lightsaber to whip through. Soon these men also fell, Jake and Daini's combined strength overwhelming the Mandalorians. Once they're all down Jake and Daini don't wait another moment before running. Jake leads, with Daini following behind less than a meter away. Left turn, left turn, right turn.

They approach a hallway of doors where they find one last Mandalorian standing in front of them with a vibroblade. He was alone and in front of a door. He stood there as Jake and Daini moved closer, not changing his position. The young Jedi and Mandalorian pause two meters away from him.

"I am Vincan Sawvor, leader of clan Sawvor." He introduces himself before pointing the tip of his vibroblade to the door beside him. "Inside is your fellow Jedi. You have both fought honorably, and I wish to fight one of you in one on one combat. If you win, you get your Jedi friend back and an old Jedi or Sith artifact we found. If I win, I avenge my brothers and kill the three of you."

Jake and Daini share a glance, before Daini shrugs. They saw the light on his wrist for a comm glowing, proving that he is showing the message to his fellow Mandalorians so they know the deal. They both knew that it's probably not best for a injured Jedi that's slowly bleeding out to fight a Mandalorian clan leader, no matter how peaceful they may seem in comparison to other clans. Daini steps forward, leaving Jake at the side of the wall to think of any other and more efficient ways to slow his bleeding.

Sawvor is quick to jump forward, slashing his vibrobalde at her. She rolls to the side in response because she has no vibroblade of her own and she surely can't handle Jake's lightsaber or Jim's, which was hanging from Jake's belt. Jake watched him slashing and her dodging as he holds onto his gut. His worry only stemmed from the fact that Jim is in that room, and that his depended on this fight. Jake could not kill this entire building alone while trying to take out Jim, at least not with this injury.

Daini wasn't fighting anymore, instead she was reacting. What object of hers could fight a vibroblade? Jake tries to brainstorm.

Over a minute she did begin to throw some punches as Jake squirmed in pain at the wall, until Sawvor got close enogh to grab her arms, and roughly  throw her into the other wall. He was quick to put his elbow at her neck, and Jake heard Sawvor's own wrist knife come from it's hatch on his arm. Her legs are free and the two have enough space inbetween. A rough idea comes to Jake's mind.

Stomach! Jake reaches out to Daini's mind, but he was too inexperienced with that area of the Force, so instead he points to his own stomach while standing up while leaning against the wall. Daini's eyes did probably flicker to him and she did see him pointing at his stomach. She got the message and when Sawvor moves his arm across her neck, about to slice it open with his wrist, she kicks his stomach.

Due to the armour her wore, he did not get an injury. But he did get thrown off her in shock and the sheer force she used in her kick. He steps back in a moment of surprise, which Daini uses to her advantage. Jake watches as she forces the vibroblade out of his arms with a kick, which he was stupid enough to not use. The vibroblade collapses to the floor. Sawvor's mind turns back to normal and begins racing after it but has failed. Daini has already grabbed it.

She holds it very closely to his neck, backing him into the wall. He looks around quickly for possible ideas of how to get out of this situation, but he falls short. She kept the distance between them and the vibroblade perfect. A true warrior under Pre Vizla.

"Your clan needs you. I can offer you-" Daini begins gets abruptly cut off.

"No." Sawvor replies, "You won. A deal is a deal."

"Where's the artifact?" Jake asks.

"My second in command will give it to you on your way out."

"Thank you. You fought honorably, Mandalorian."

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