When Izuku and Katsuki entered the eighth grade, Izuku wondered what the two were. Were they friends? Lovers? Was Katsuki just using him to experiment and/or practice for when Katsuki got a girlfriend?

When he asked Katsuki this, he nearly got his head blown up. Katsuki lectured him on how he could possibly think he was just using him. The hot headed blonde was shocking level-headed when he professed his love to him. Izuku tearfully accepted his confession, saying that he liked him too. However, once the two entered high school, things changed drastically. 

Back in middle school, Izuku and Katsuki would always hang out. They wouldn't hold hands or do anything intimate, but they were close. Katsuki had always participated in sports, and that was no different once they got to the high school. They didn't have as many classes together, nor were their assigned seats near each other. One day, when Izuku had requested for the two to walk home together in front of Katsuki's friends, he nearly bursted into tears. The blonde had ridiculed him, embarrassed him for thinking he had "the right" to be anywhere near him.

Izuku went home crying that day. After dinner, Katsuki had showed up to his house and apologized endlessly for his behavior. He stated that the reason he was so harsh was because his "friends" were homophobic. That they outcasted anyone they thought was gay ... and they thought Izuku was. The players judged Izuku based on the way he walked, his interests, the way he styled his hair, the way he dressed, even the way he spoke, they all came to the solution that he has to be gay.

When Izuku came up to him when he was with his teammates, Katsuki glanced towards them and immediately saw judgment written all over their faces. He panicked, not wanting to be outcasted and kicked off the team, so he bad mouthed his boyfriend. After that, his friends deemed him cool enough to hang out with their group and they spent the rest of the afternoon at practice and walked home afterwards; that's when Katsuki went to Izuku's house.

Though Izuku voiced his distaste with Katsuki's actions, Katsuki pleaded to his beloved that it would only be until they graduated from high school. He gave his promise that after high school the two could be together ...

Nearly two years later, the tormenting only got worse. The slight brush offs turned into teasing, which then turned into mocking, shoving, ridiculing, to straight out bullying. Once they started bullying him on social media, he and Katsuki thought it best to delete his social media apps and the two would share Katsuki's. It was a surprise that he let Katsuki do so much all for the sake of him keeping his 'straight' facade in front of his new friends and teammates, to the point where he didn't even talk to him during school, but it was when the two were alone that he over looked the incidents. 

They had agreed to meet in the abandoned storage room on campus either before or after Katsuki's football practice. If they didn't meet there, either one of them would go over to each other's house to 'hang out' for a while. Katsuki would hug him tenderly, kiss him passionately, and proclaim his love for him over and over like there was no tomorrow. 

"You didn't need to push me against the wall you know. You've never done that to me before ...", Izuku said as he sat on the dusty gym mats.

Katsuki finished laying out Izuku's belongings and sat next to the greenette, bringing him into a tight embrace.

"I know, and I'm sorry. The guys have just been demanding more and more. I'd rather it be me putting my hands on you than those filthy guys"

"You could also just not be friends with them. You don't need to be friends with your teammates, so long as you get along on the field, then it's fine"

"But we've been over this. If I'm not their friend off the field, we won't get along on the field. Besides, we just need one more year in this shithole and we won't have to deal with those ass hats anymore. And, I've got a scout from a university eyeing me right now, so if I keep this up I can get a scholarship and play at the college level"

The one who should've been mineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora