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Bakugo's P.O.V

I was already awake walking around then I decided to go to the common room to see the a lot of the extras in my class. I turn to kirishima and I whisper in his ear." this better work." he nodded knowing what i meant. I decided to keep walking around and i saw Round face about to knock on Midoriya's dorm. "Oi Round face." she turned to me. "Y-yes Bakugo?" "What do you think your doin?" "I was about to knock on Deku-kuns door to see if he is awake." "Oh he probably doesn't want to come out right now." "Why?" "I shouldn't tell you he just needs time to himself." Round face was surprised to hear the words I used. "What Round face!!! ya think I was heartless!!" I shouted. "no no not at all." she said as she walked to the common room. It was time for school and we all started to leave for school. 'You better not screw this up nerd.' I thought to myself.

Midoriya's P.O.V

I woke up with my arms around Jiro and her's around me. I Blushed. not wanting to wake her up I waited for her to wake up herself. Once she woke up I got up went to the bathroom took a shower and brushed my teeth. I got out. from the bathroom with clothes on and Jiro was just sitting on my bed. I went to the back into the bathroom and grabbed the keys to her dorm and put it in my pocket. I went over to her and tapped her shoulder and she looked up at me. come with me. I said. she got up and I took her to her dorm. I unlocked the door and she went inside. I knew she wanted to take a shower. she went to her closet and grabbed some clothes and took a shower. I waited outside the bathroom. when she opened the door she was unharmed thankfully I had worried that she would cut herself with another sharp object. She wore a hoodie with long sleeves to hide the bandages she had wrapped around her arms. She walked out of her dorm and I closed the door and locked it behind her. and we went to the common room. she sat there on the couch and turned on the Tv and I cooked actual breakfast for her. She was fine. she was watching tv. she didn't try to cut herself. I wondered did last nights sleep together help her in a way? 

When I finished breakfast I brung it to her there was a small coffee table in front the couch and I put it there in front of her. she looked at the food but, then she worried me when a tear dropped from her eye. "Hey Jiro-san? you ok?" "You do care."  "Of course I care Jiro-san." she just sat there and started to eat. I walked away and started thinking in my head. 'Did she think she was alone in this world. Or was it that she thought no one cared about her?' "Nobutthatwouldn'tmakeanysensebecauseshespendsalotofthimewithherfriendsincludingmesoidontthinkshe-." "your muttering." I snapped out of it realizing i was muttering and i slap my hands over my mouth. sorry. I dont think she heard what I said though.

Time started to pass by. Before we knew it school ended for the day. Everyone came in through the door and saw Jiro. "Hey jiro looks like your feeling better." Uraraka said with a smile. "yea Glad to see that your feeling better." Said Kaminari. "Yes it was quite unfortunate to see hear that you were ill." stated Iida. while the girls crouded her. Me,Kacchan and Kirishima were listening to see and looking around to see why Jiro was depressed. Until we heard from some one mutter under their breath. "Ughhhh why do we still care about that flat chested demon." We heard it no one else did but me,Kacchan and Kirishima did. I looked over to Jiro to she that she stood up and started walking to the dorms. Me and the others got up me and Kirishima told everyone that they were going to talk to her and. Kacchan looked at Mineta with a pist off face. "Looking to die today you purple perv!!!!!!" Mineta was scared shitless. i don't know what happened next because I was to focused on Jiro. We heard a door open and close. I had a feeling it was my dorm. We walked in and me and Kirishima both saw Jiro trying to cut her self but this time it was with a a different pair of scissors. "H-Hey Jiro. its ok." "No one cares after all." she said that and I knew what ticked it. I took the scissors away from her and put them away. she just stood there. "Jiro I-I think you should take a nap." she slightly nodded her head as she laid down on my bed. Me and Kirishima walked out my dorm and closed the door. "Okay I think I see why she i like this. Its her body. she is insecure about her body and she doesn't think anyone will like her because of it."

"Mineta isn't being a big help either. He is actually pressuring it making it worse for her." Bro that is so Unmanly of him. "But, the worst part i-is." I stutter as my eyes get watery. "He w-would do that e-everyday a-and no one would stop him. b-but w-would if h-he got pervy with the other g-girls. T-That's why she b-believes no one c-cares about h-her." i continue with tears coming down my eyes. "d-dammit h-how am I supposed to become a hero if i couldn't even see that my f-friend was suffering from her own insecurities." "MidoBro. that was so manly of you." "Oi stop the damn waterworks." I heard Kacchan say as he waled towards us with Mineta In his hands. he was carrying him by the shirt. "Now Purple perv." he said as he put down mineta. He was shaking. Me and Kirishima gave him death glares. "Mineta. Do you know what you've caused." "Wha-huh?" "Do you know what you caused or are you deaf and blind." I said again with a more intimidating voice. "I- Um no?"  "So unmanly bro." "You don't know you've caused jiro to have depression." I said in a stern voice. "What why do i care about that flat chested de-." He was interrupted as I punched him in the face. 

"Jiro has what?" I heard from a distance. i look at the stair way.

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