Chapter 8

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Felix : Yes !? Who is it ?

Santiago : Y/n has a visit ! It is very urgent these two wanna come and talk to y/m .

Felix then looked at me and i looked worried .

Y/n : bella and edward are still in the hotel ... Who could it be !!??

Felix : We will be down in a second just give us a moment !

Santiago : sorry to disturb your precious moment but they will be waiting for y/n in the waiting room down the hall next to the throne room .

Felix : Fine ...

Y/n : Who could it be !?

Felix : im not sure ... We need to go and check it out ill go with you love .

We then got dressed and cleaned up our mess , and headed down stairs as we were exiting the bedroom vampires passed and smiled and us and some even smirked knowing what had happened in our bedroom , felix just put his hand over my shoulders and every guard passing by understood i was his only and to treat me with respect , especially all those lower ranking guards with grey cloak that have no special power and they are just vampires who wanted to be in the coven . We then reached the door to the waiting room and we took a deep breath and felix hold my hand while i had a tight grip on his and we walked inside the waiting room just to see two familiar faces !

Y/n : Ro-Rose ???

Rosalie : Oh dear ! We've missed you ! How are you doing !!?? Are you doing great !!?? Have they hurt you ?

Y/n : what ? No of course not rose , what brings you guy's here ?

Emmett : We came to make sure our daughter was fine and well taken care of my dear .

Felix : Daughter ? I don't get it , i thought bella and edward were your parents .

Y/n : They are love , they gave birth to me ! But rosalie and emmett took care of me and replaced my mom and dad ! Since then they have taken care of me and loved me as there own child love .

Felix : I see ... Well thank you for treating my mate well and replacing bella and edward as her parents makes me happy to know at least she had someone back home who she loved as her mom and dad and who they lived her as there own child .

Rosalie : I've always wanted a child of my own , and when bella did not love y/n as there own i decided to take care of y/n as if she was my own daughter .

Emmett : we might not be her biological parents but parents are the ones who love there kids and they educate them about life , making us her mom and dad .

Y/n : Damn right ! I love you guy's !

Rosalie : We also came here to tell you that we left the cullen's , and so did alice and jasper .

Y/n : Yeah id figured .

Emmett : We came here to wish you and your mate a great future dear , we did not have an opportunity to give you our blessings back in the field so i believe we need to at the moment dear.

Felix : Thank you so much , we really appreciate it.

Rosalie : As long as my daughter is happy im happy . Y/n we should get back to going to our new home , we will be staying in Africa , here ... This is my phone number if you ever need to call me or let me know something please contact me and your dad my dear .

*Hands you a paper with her # in it *

Y/n : Thank you mom ... ill miss you both

We all hug me and my mom and dad while felix just stares at the situation

Rosalie : We will miss you as well dear .

They leave after 15 min and now its just me and felix i take a sigh and he has my hand in his huge one and says.

" No worries , they are allowed to visit you whenever they want my love "

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