chapter 13

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Yesterday we had sex. Not just one or two times we had seven rounds yesterday through the whole day ! I sure do indeed limp here and there but you know what ? That's a sign that he does his job of pleasing me well. I have adjusted really well in the castle and have developed friends along the way. Felix was now in the training room doing his usual duties as a guard and a body guard in some way i find cute. It's honestly cute how he stands next to the door in the throne room next to dem guarding who ever comes in so they don't attack or try something on the kings. When me and heidi go there to just ask questions me and felix always catch glances of each other, for example one time she went because we wanted to go to the mall and i was keeping my head low until i felt a burden gaze and i turned around to see a smirk on felix's face and he threw a wink at me. He had no problem being and showing his flirtatious side towards me and he would love the way that my cheeks would slightly blush due to being a half human  and half vampire breed. I was smiling at the wonderful memories i had made in the last two weeks of being here in the castle with my new family, then i heard the sound of thunder and i looked out the window to notice there was a storm in its way. I loved the thunder sounded because it made it somehow seem powerful or to me its as if god sends the rain and thunder to wash away all the sins and hurt of peoples emotions and sins. Something that i also loved about my new life is that my mom rosalie and emmett had moved in and joined tge volturi, however with something so positive there will always be a negative side of things when your parents are named bella and edward, i don't even know if there cullen's anymore for fucks sake ! The actions they like to take upon themselves to disturb my peace is so horrible. But then again ... I took there peace about two weeks ago when i threatened there precious little princess nessie. Something that just made me hate bella and edward was that they had the AUDACITY to call my mom and dad on the phone after Edward found out that they joined me in my new covens pissed off and yelling and scolding them both for being traitors. However my mom and dad never paid attention to bella's and Edwards temper tantrums, aro in the other hand found it hysterical that edward and bella were so desperate to argue why they should leave this coven. The truth is that edward and bella know that they are doomed to there death, and that's the sad truth because for one they don't know the rest of my powers and for two they are doing this themselves, there against the wall and the sword because it takes allot to build an army who does not dare to intervene against the most powerful coven. Then again in the other hand they would be commenting a crime by creating a new born army because when you create someone into an immortal you are responsible for them and there actions as there newborns because there first months they are hard to control especially there thirst. Something inside me told me that we would soon be expecting a visit from someone we never saw coming, it would change everything if this person showed up, i just wonder who could it be or if i am even right on this feeling. Also, I've becomes close friends with alec's mate named astrid but i call her alexa, she is such a sweet heart she is my cinnamon roll and she threatens felix to never hurt me or else she will kick his ass. Felix and Alec find it amusing and warm hearted that we both love each other as sisters ot more like a mother and daughter relationship, they don't know that we know that they spy on us when we hang and giggle together all the time, however we know because we can see them. I then got a call from a number i knew darn well ... Was this the reason i got this feeling !?

               "Y/n ... Can we talk ?"

The cullen's black swanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang