The Shadows Cover Me

Start from the beginning

"We're good for tomorrow, right?" Cameron always asks and Nash always replies with an affirmative answer.

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it for anything," Nash replies to him. He pauses, hesitating a little bit about asking Cameron to take them shopping. Cameron is looking at him with a smile on his face and he just makes Nash feel so comfortable around him. Nash doesn't trust easily, not with the life he's had the last few years, but Cameron has wormed his way into Nash's heart.

"D-do you think you can take us to the mall tomorrow? I... I've been saving to buy the kids new coats, they need them desperately it's starting to get cold. I think I finally have enough to buy them a decent winter coat." Nash explains and he looks down at the ground, he still feels a little embarrassment at having to ask for a ride.

"Of course, Nash. I would love to," Cameron replies, he has that easy smile on his face still. He lifts Nash face up to meet his eyes. "Don't be embarrassed, Nash, I don't want you to ever feel that way around me. Never be scared to ask me something, I could never say no to you anyway."

He chuckles a little bit after his revelation and Nash's eyes widen slightly. Cameron has given him some hints that he's interested romantically in Nash, although Nash wonders how because he's trash, he doesn't deserve anyone like Cameron. He remembers the first Saturday when he fell asleep on Cameron's shoulder, he woke up to his head on Cameron's lap and Cameron gently playing with his hair. He hadn't felt that safe in such a long time, his face heats up as he recalls the feelings that ran through him when he sat up after pretending to remain asleep until the movie ended and they had to head home.

"We could see a movie at the theater tomorrow, there's one at the mall we're going to," Cameron says. "I won't let you say no, by the way, so not waste your time."

Nash laughs at Cameron's words and then nods in agreement. "Okay, a movie sounds great. We haven't gone to the theater in years you know. Money just had to go to more important things."

Nash is more open with Cameron about their struggles and their financial struggles specifically, he has't told him about his fathers physical abuse, he doesn't know if he'll ever feel comfortable revealing that information, even to Cameron. He doesn't tell Cameron about their financial woes because he wants handouts or pity, but because he feels close to Cameron and it's nice to have someone listen to his problems for once instead of bottling them inside.

They spend the rest of his lunch break with Cameron on his cell phone, showing the screen to Nash as they pick out a movie to watch tomorrow with the kids.

"So I'll pick you up at like 930 tomorrow so we can go shopping and then see the movie at noon, sounds good?" He asks Nash.

"Sounds perfect," Nash replies with a smile on his face. He can't get over Cameron's generosity with him and his younger siblings, it surprises him every time. He's still not used to it.

Cameron stands up to let Nash get back to his work, he turns to leave after saying good bye but he stops and turns back to Nash. He wraps his arms around him and hugs him tightly, Nash lets his arms come around Cameron and he takes a deep breath as usual, he still loves his unique scent. Cameron pulls away after a few moments and then waves at Nash before walking back to his ranch.

Nash goes back to the barn with a bright smile on his face and butterflies in his stomach.

Cameron goes inside his ranch as his phone buzzes and he looks down at the text message. It's a new message from Taylor inviting Cameron to go 4 wheeling tomorrow at woods behind Taylor's house. Cameron always declines to hang out with his old friends on Saturday, no one could ever make him want to give up his time with Nash and his siblings. He opts to spend time with them on Friday nights or Sundays, but never Saturdays. He sends his usual reason of being busy to Taylor and then shoves the phone back in his pocket.

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