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Teenage boys are a terror, Nash doesn't remember being that bad but Hayes is trying his last nerve. 16 year old Hayes is nothing like 10 year old Hayes and Nash has no idea how to get through to his younger brother.

He's sitting on the swing they have on their porch staring out at the fields, it's a warm balmy evening and as much as Nash wants to enjoy the beautiful weather he can't. He received a call from the school regarding Hayes' grades and his treatment of the other students.

Hayes is the Taylor of his grade and it burns Nash inside that his little brother turned put that way, he wonders where he went wrong.

He hasn't told Cameron anything yet but he knows he's going to have to, he just doesn't know what to do yet.

The change happened in the last year and Nash has no clue what triggered it or how to get through to Hayes. He wonders if maybe their desire to give Hayes all the things he lacked during the years that they were dirt poor affected Hayes in a negative way.

He feels entitled now, the same kind of entitlement that Taylor had. The resemblance is uncanny and if he's being honest with himself, it's sickening. It sickens him to realize that his younger brother has become the very thing he despised.

He's taken out of his thoughts by Cameron who steps out onto the porch carrying their 1 month old baby. Their little princess Isabella came to their life via a surrogate and Cameron's sperm, they both fell in love instantly.

With Skylynn being 12 and Hayes 16, they finally felt like they were ready for their own child. They just wanted one and their little beautiful baby made everyone, including Hayes fall in love with her.

"Talk to me babe, you've been out here for the past hour staring at the fields." Cameron says quietly, Isabella coos at her daddy's and Nash leans over with a loving smile on his face, he presses a small kiss on her forehead.

"How's our little princess?" He asks, avoiding Cameron's question.

"She's good, she ate and she's all cleaned up and ready to cuddle with her daddy," Cameron smiles down at his daughter and she waves her hands in the air as her eyes move around, looking at everything.

Cameron hands her to Nash who relaxes as soon as he feels his baby's warm body in his arms. He looks down at her and he wonders at her beauty. He cuddles her close and looks up at his husband who has a tender smile ok his face.

"I will never get tired of seeing you holding our baby," he says and he leans in and kisses Nash's lips lightly. "Now talk."

"It's just... Hayes. I got a call from the school regarding his grades and his treatment of the other students. He's turned into this boy who feels the world should cater to him and I wonder where I went so wrong, you know? I tried to do everything right, I wasn't perfect but I really did try to instill values in him and I just... failed." Nash says, his voice melancholy as he voices his thoughts.

Cameron looks at his husband and he caresses his cheeks gently.

"Baby, sometimes no matter what you do things don't turn out exactly how you want them to. You and I both know, deep inside Hayes is still a good kid. He just lost his way and we have to help him find it again," Cameron replies softly and Nash nods but he doesn't respond immediately.

Cameron takes the opportunity to think about what they should do. Grounding and punishments don't work with Hayes, he just returns to the same behavior that got him in trouble in the first place.

"I have a few ideas actually," Cameron says after they're quiet for a while.

Nash looks at him, Cameron has his full attention.

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