The Darkness That We Know

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Nash walks up to Mrs. Kaplan's trailer. He knocks quickly, eager to share the good news with someone. She opens the door and he beams at her, she's a little surprised because Nash usually looked exhausted.

"They gave me a permanent position and a raise!" Nash bursts out and she claps in excitement. She wraps her arms around him in a tight hug.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so happy for you. Congratulations ," she says smiling widely. She genuinely is. She knows how stressed and worried Nash was now that the season was over and the seasonal workers are let go. She knew he would impress his boss and achieve a permanent position, Nash just didn't believe in himself.

"Thank you," Nash replies and he walks in and picks up Skylynn. The 3 siblings head over to their trailer. Nash opens the door and they step inside. He passes by his father to tuck Sky in the bed. Hayes changes into his pajamas and gets to bed as well.

"Nash!" He hears his father yell. He knows what's coming just from his father's tone of voice. Nash closes the door behind him and heads out to the living area.

Chad has a bottle of beer in his hand and he stares at Nash angrily.

"Where were you, boy?" He asks harshly.

"I-I was at work," Nash curses himself internally for stuttering, now Chad knows he's still afraid of him.

"You fucking liar, you ain't got no job," Chad spits out as he stands and stumbles over to Nash. Nash knows better than to argue with Chad, it just gets him more riled up.

Chad leans in close and Nash can smell the rancid breath of his father. He stays still unwilling to step back.

He doesn't get a warning, Chad just pulls his fist back and punches Nash right in the gut. He's drunk but he's fully aware of his actions, he never hits Nash in areas that can be seen, he knows that old bat Mrs. Kaplan would report him to the police and he would lose his precious baby Skylynn. He won't let that happen, not for the sorry excuse he has for a son.

Nash doubles over in pain, he feels like the wind has been knocked out of him. Tears spring to his eyes, he can't hold them back, Chad is a big, strong man and he definitely didn't hold back.

"Awww, is the little pussy going to cry? You can't take a punch? I'm helping you out here boy, the real world won't go easy." Chad says mockingly and he punches Nash again. This time Nash is unable to stay standing, he crumples to the floor.

Chad takes the opportunity to kick Nash in the stomach, he laughs when Nash cries out at the impact. He steps over him to go into his bedroom, he turns and lands a strong kick on Nash's lower spine. He nods to himself, telling himself that Nash deserved the beating for lying and maybe he'll learn his lesson this time.

Nash sobs on the floor, the pain in his back and his stomach in unbearable. He tries to keep his crying quiet, he doesn't want to disturb Skylynn and Hayes.

Nash feels anger, he feels rage at the situation. He's working as hard as he can to keep the family afloat while Chad wastes his money on alcohol and all he gets for it is a beating.

He wishes so badly that he could retaliate but he knows it would be futile, he would only get beat even more or worse Chad might turn to Hayes, who is smaller and unable to fight back, and abuse him. That's the last thing that Nash wants to happen so he endures the abuse.

He lies there for a long time, unable to get up from the floor. His tears have long since dried and he's just sniffling sadly. He attempts to sit up but shooting pain radiates from his spine down to his legs.

He doesn't have any pain medicine, they can't afford anything, not even a bottle of tylenol. How will he work to tomorrow? He hopes the pain will be more manageable tomorrow.

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