We Are Never Broken

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Nash nervously steps outside of the room, his hands are shaking and his palms are sweating. Cameron follows behind Nash, determined not to let him go through this alone. He grasps Nash's hand tightly, not caring about his clammy hands.

Pamela leads them into a small room with a desk and chairs. Nash and Cameron sit down when gestured to do so by Pamela. Cameron strokes Nash's hand tenderly, trying to calm him down. Nash fights to suppress the barely controlled terror that he feels, he can't lose his younger siblings not to some unknown stranger who Nash knows won't care for him like he does because they are his flesh and blood.

Pamela studies Cameron and Nash with a critical eye, her eyes drift to their tightly clasped hands before meeting Nash's gaze. It's part of her job to analyze the body language of the people she interviews because it tells part of the story that is not discovered through words.

She takes out a piece of paper from her briefcase , it has the information that Nash provided to the hospital.

"Who is Nash Grier?" She asks as she takes out her pen to take notes.

"I-I am," Nash answers softly, he curses himself for stuttering but he can't control it, it occurs when he's nervous.

"And you are?" She says turning her head to Cameron, who meets her gaze dead on.

"I'm Cameron Dallas," he answers, his voice doesn't waver. He feels the same panic that Nash does but he had been taught at an early age how to maintain a calm outward appearance even if your world in crumbling on the inside. He sees a spark of recognition in Pamela's face when he says his last name.

"And what relation do you have to the Griers?" She questions as she jots down some notes.

"I'm Nash's boyfriend," he answers truthfully, he knows whatever is said here is confidential. But in reality he doesn't care if it gets out that he's dating Nash. He's stopped caring about what people think about him a long time ago. The only thing that worries him is if his parents find out before he has a chance to tell them.

They'll be back for the holidays and Cameron thinks that's the best time to introduce them to his boyfriend and his siblings.

Pamela nods again and continues to write.

"What happened tonight that prompted you to come to the hospital?" Pamela asks and she looks up at Nash, she needs to be able to read him while he tells his version of the events.

Nash tells her how he found his father attempting to rape Hayes and how they managed to subdue him. Pamela listens quietly, occasionally nodding and writing down notes. Nash wishes he could see what she's writing down, her affect is flat and Nash can't read her at all.

"Had your father been abusive to Hayes prior to this incident?" She asks.

"No," Nash answers in a small whisper. He hates having to go through this, he feels like he's going to have to justify he actions and why he should be allowed to keep the children.

"Has your father abused anyone else?" Pamela asks and Nash is quiet for a few moments, he glances at Cameron who gives him a small nod and squeezes his hand.

"Yes," Nash answers his eyes are now on the ground. He feels ashamed at having to confess that his father beats him.

"Who?" Pamela asks softly, she has a little bit more compassion in her tone of voice. She already knows the answer but she has to ask the question regardless.

"Me," Nash replies softly, Cameron wishes he could take Nash is in arms and hug him tightly. It must be so difficult for Nash to confess that to a total stranger.

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