The ambulance was rushing on the streets and so was Swarnima and Abhedya's car. The hospital was full of patients but with Abhedya's call and prior information, the operation theatre was ready to attend Adarsh. A team of doctors were operating on him. There was a faint chance for him to survive but they didn't lose hope. Adarsh and his survival were important. The receiver of the information he traded, only he knew.

Shook to the core Swarnima was breathing hard. Abhedya took her in a hug and rubbed her back. They were escorted to a private chamber of Dr Pri. In her absence the room was empty and they could use it.

"Sona, relax. How did you find out? As far as I remember you told me you had no leads." Abhedya side hugged Swarnima questioned her. The entire incident had taken a toll on them.

"I had my doubts but you know how much we trust Adarsh uncle. He knew all along what we were trying to find and how. He tricked me many times and deviated me from my findings but I never thought it was because he was guilty. When I took a break from the office with lost hope, I worked on it and took Tara's help. You know she is brilliant at observing and analysing. She suggested that I should not ignore my doubts and work on them. I hacked his system, checked the mails and other accounts and... here it is. He is in a hospital bed struggling for life. Aby, I don't want him to die. I feel guilty for accusing him. I still feel he is innocent. He is trapped." Swarnima rested her head on Abhedya's shoulder and felt dizzy.

"Sona, the proofs are concrete and I don't have any doubts that he cheated us. He cheated on my father. Oh! I think we should tell dad about it. I will call him, why don't you rest till then." Abhedya made Swarnima lie on the patient's bed and she closed her eyes.

Swarnima drifted to sleep and when she got up she was covered in a blanket. She squinted her eyes to see where she was and checked the time. She slept for two hours on a patients bed?

"Hey sleeping beauty, you slept well?" Abhedya caressed his wife's face and enquired her.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I slept like a log. I don't even know what was going around." Swarnima rubbed her head. She thought did she sleep or fell unconscious like she does these days. She needed to see a doctor. She was at a hospital.
"How's Adarsh uncle?"

"The operation was successful but twenty-four hours are critical. He might slip into a coma if he doesn't wake up or respond in that time. His family is here and we told them it was an accident. I couldn't see in the eyes of aunty. His son seemed to have a hint but I could be wrong. Sona, Sona..." Abhedya rubbed his thumb on Swarnima's cheek to get a response.

"Umm... yeah, Aby, I want to see his family." Swarnima got down from the bed and went out with Abhedya to meet Adarsh's family.

Swarnima consoled them and assured them that he is being given the best treatment and they should pray for his recovery. When Abhedya was not around she quietly went in search of a doctor. Finding a girl called Medha, Swarnima went into her chamber.
"Medha didi, hi." Swarnima greeted her and she was surprised.

"Hello, Rani sa. You were supposed to be here some days before and you are coming now?" Medha scolded her with authority.

"Sorry, didi and stop calling me Rani sa." Swarnima requested her politely and then narrated all the problems she was going through. Vomiting, dizziness, feeling hungry.

"Nim, when was the last time you got your periods? You do realise these are symptoms of pregnancy." Medha noted her complaints and analysed them.

"I know didi. But, we have never done without protections and my periods you know have always been irregular." Medha gave a hard glare to Swarnima so she answered, "last I was on my periods was on my honeymoon which is almost two and a half months now."

"God! Nim! How careless you could be? One, condoms are not 100% safe. Two, your last cycle was almost more than two months before. Three, the symptoms you told me all indicate that you could be pregnant. We have to get your tests done soon. Come with me. And Raja sa, is in hospital then why is he not with you?" Medha questioned her in a strict tone.

"Didi, I didn't tell him. He is already very disturbed and if he comes to know about all this he will eat me alive. Didi, if at all it's good news, then we have to be very cautious. Adarsh uncle was the culprit and I think he was trapped. If someone is after us again and comes to know I am carrying the future heir to the throne then it could be dangerous. Didi, I will come tomorrow for the tests and please don't carry the reports in my name. I can sense something bad is about to happen." Swarnima felt uneasy and shared her worries with Medha. Medha lived in Gharonda and was loyal to the royals.

"Sure, Nim. We can do that. But don't delay. If you don't come tomorrow I will call Raja sa then god help you. Till then don't stress yourself and take a rest. You look, pale girl." Medha wrote a multivitamin tablet to Swarnima.

"Sona, what happened? I searched everywhere and you are here? Medha did, is she fine?" Abhedya examined Swarnima from top to bottom.

With a mischievous grin, Medha replied, "She is more than fine Raja sa. Just needs to take some rest and multivitamins."

"Why? Is she not eating properly? Of course, except for those cookies, she doesn't eat anything nowadays." Abhedya was annoyed with Swarnima for ignoring her health.

"Cookies? Does she crave for them?" Medha asked with amusement. It was still too early for 'cravings' symptom.

"Yeah! I mean, day-night she munches just those..." Abhedya stopped ranting his list of complaints when Swarnima marched out of the room. He followed her like a scared puppy.

"Nim girl! You sure are pregnant." Medha was more than happy. But Swarnima's words were ringing in her head. She cannot let anything harm her or her unborn child. She made it a point to run all the tests herself to maintain the secrecy.

"Sona, wait." Abhedya quickly sat in the car before Swarnima decides to leave him alone at the hospital.

"Survang, please tell your king to not disturb me." Swarnima was angry which was so unlike her. What was his fault Abhedya thought?

"Raja sa, I hope you heard the queen." Survang played along and Abhedya gave him puffed nose angry look.

"Sona, baby... why are you angry?" Abhedya gathered the courage to ask her.

"Wow! You don't even know? Go... go... tell the world I eat cookies. If you don't like it I won't eat them. I won't eat anything. I'll starve. I'll tell mumma you are keeping an eye on my food." Swarnima shifted to the end of the seat and rested her head on the window shutting her eyes.

Abhedya and Survang looked stunned by her actions. What was wrong? She was actually scolding and complaining about Abhedya. Probably the incident at the office hit her brain. So, he chose to remain quiet.

"See, you are not even affected. I said I won't eat and you agree too." Swarnima was picking up a fight and was herself not understanding why she was doing it.

"Sona, you know I didn't mean that. I am sorry if my words hurt you. I was just concerned when Medha didi told me you needed vitamin tablets." Abhedya cleared his actions.

"Vitamins? Why? Aren't you following the diet?" Survang interfered in the conversation and Abhedya hit his head.

"No! I am not following. I won't follow. Why should I follow? Can't I eat anything of my choice?" Swarnima's tongue was not in her control.

Abhedya was worried now. Did those cookies have magical power in them? Had someone drugged them? They were good but not outstanding. Swarnima was shouting and picking up a fight for the first time.
Reason: Cookies!!??
Like seriously? She didn't fight even in Kristina's episode or any major disagreements they have had to date. She always kept calm and settled things.

'Keep an eye. She is hiding something'. *message sent*.
Dear Readers
The culprit is finally revealed. But, is he the real culprit or there is a conspiracy behind it?
Swarnima and Abhedya have found peace in the relation but Swarnima's mood swings?
Is she pregnant? If she is, what danger is she sensing?
The sender of messages? Abhedya or someone else?

Stay hooked!
Lots of love

Scrapbook- Memorabilia of the Magical First LoveOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara