Chapter 1: A Flame Wieldering Dragon Slayer

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I don't own Fairy Tail. FAIRY TAIL is Mr. Hiro Mashima anime work.

Thank you Mr. Hiro Mashima for the wonderful anime series of Fairy Tail.


Konnichiwa Minna! Since I'm so addicted watching Fairy Tail lately. I decided to somehow make this FanFic since my imagination keeps hunting me. LOL! Um, This would be my very first Anime FanFic. So I don't know if this story will be good or bad but please bare with me and don't throw tomatoes. >.

Comments and Suggestions are highly appreciated. Arigatou! :')




Let's START! ^_^

Chapter 1: A Flame Wieldering Dragon Slayer



Chapter 1: A Flame Wieldering Dragon Slayer

One typical morning, three months after Fairy Tail won the Grand Magic Competition, everything seems back to normal.

"GRAAAAAY! You meat stealer!" Natsu yelled while throwing some fires at Gray's direction.

"What did you just say Fire Brain!?" Gray yelled while throwing ice needles to Natsu at the same time.

And then.........*KABOOOM* Everything in there way flew everywhere in the guild.

"Natsu and Gray are still fighting?" Lucy sighned as she sits down at the bar counter.

"Aye!" Happy said. "It's because Gray ate the last piece of meat yesterday at the party" while eating his fish that he took out from his small green backpack.

"Would they ever stop fighting over that matter? Natsu ate almost all the meat that time. Leaving one meat on the table." Carla said as she crossed her arms.

"That's Fairy Tail after all." Wendy smiled.

"It's always like this. Good thing everything's back to normal." Mira giggled while preparing some drinks.

"Aye Sir!" Happy said with a fish on his mouth.

"Don't talk while that fish is still on your mouth!" Carla scolded Happy.

"Let's go Carla. We still have a mission today." Wendy said to Carla.

"Okay. Let's go." As Carla fly outside the guild.

"Goodbye minna!" Wendy waved as she went outside and go on a mission.

Lucy smile to Wendy and waved "Take Care Wendy, Carla! Good luck on your mission today." As she turned around to face the counter again, *BOOOOOOM*

"NATSU!" Lucy yelled while docking the flying Natsu who suddenly flew away hitting the wall on her side.

"Good thing Lucy is fast enough when it comes to covering." Happy smirked while his paws was on his mouth.

"What was that Happy!?" Lucy said while shaking Happy who was about to faint because of her.

"Oohh. Hi Lucy!" Natsu smiled at Lucy. "Sorry about that. I almost hit you." Natsu was about to hug the blonde Celestial Mage but........

A Flame Wieldering Dragon Slayer (Fairy Tail [FanFic])Where stories live. Discover now