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I do not fear the usual

Like monsters under my bed

Or flying in a plane

What makes my palms sweat

And my heart thrum

And my body shake
Instead, is quite small

And most don’t understand

The fear it causes
Knocking on a stranger’s door

Asking customer service for help 

Or making a phone call

Answering a question wrong 

Picking up a prescription

And ordering fast food
Simple tasks that anyone can do

That should be easy 

Make me squirm
Anxiety doesn’t choose obvious fears

That other people will understand

And help me with

Anxiety chooses the little things

That no one will really get

And maybe they’ll think it’s weird

So I’m left standing all alone

In a grocery store or super market

Terrified out of my mind

AnxietyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant