Chapter Three

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Scanning through the campus area Dean walked past a strange statue. It looked like acient wall-paintings carved into broad stone walls build up on a beton foundation. Like a really small maze of some kind. Build in with the foundation, Dean could see small fountains shoting up water every few seconds, making the stone walls' wet surface shine in the sunlight. Being the only statue the rest of the campus was mostly covered with grassland and paths connecting the big sandstone buildings all around. Behind the school structure Dean could see the even greater more modern edifices and Skyscrapers of the city soar up to the sky.

On this Saturday morning there weren't as many people out on the lawn but Dean could still see groups sitting together hearing them laugh and chat as he walked by, giving him a good feeling about this. Spreading a good athmosphere.

Still looking around trying to take in as much as he could while pulling out the files that were sent to him with the enrollment papers, Dean didn't fucus on where he was walking sunddenly bumping into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry...I..."

Dean apologized.

"No problem."

The other guy said politely, bending down to pick up the sheets of paper that fell out of Deans hands and gave them back to him. Looking at the guys face Dean froze. He had dark brown hair and, in comparrisson to Deans still white but a bit tanned skin, he had an even lighter one. His deep blue eyes, shimmering like the sea, looked as friendly as his smile, discovering his well formed white teeth underneath.

"Have we met before? I've certainly never seen you on campus before. Are you new?"

The brown haired asked interested, eying Dean thoughtfull.

"Yeah. I just got here. I'll be a Freshman this year."

Dean smiled.

"Cool what's your major?"


Dean responded smiling friendly.

"Oh really? So your a good detective. I'll contact you when I lose my keys again. Maybe you can find them for me then."

The guy joked. Dean chuckled.

"Well for that you'll need my phone number and I don't give that to just anyone."

Dean played along.

"So I'll have to prove myself? Well my major's art."

"It is? Maybe you can draw me a picture and I'll see what I can do about that contact you want."

Dean was getting more and more interested in the conversation as well as in the good looking guy infront of him.

"Maybe I can draw you like one of my french girls."

Both of them laughed.

"So you've got trouble finding something. I could help with that. You look a bit lost."

The guy offered his help.

"Yeah I am. I'm seeking the Dorm building I'm in. Oh and, by the way, I'm Dean."


The man before him smiled at Dean holding out his hand.

"But you can call me Cas if you want to."

Castiel added with a cheeky smile as Dean took his hand, shaking it.

Suddenly Dean felt some sort of warm energy flowing from Castiel in his hand, running further up his arm within miliseconds tensing up every muscle in his body. Fastly and with a bit of an unexpected look on his face Cas pulled away his hand, as if he had felt it too. What was that?

It had felt like a simple electric shock you know from touching something loaded, but also different. More personal. More like their energies sort of connected. And it was a hell of a lot more powerful.

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