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"Seriously!?You again?"

  You glanced up seeing the same blond kid. You decided to get up finding another table to sit at when he stops you.

"Aren't you that extra who bumped into me a while ago?", he said as he arched an eyebrow. Before you could speak you were interrupted.

"There you are I've been looking for you!"

  You turned around seeing a girl with short dark purple hair with plug-like earphones jacks hanging from both of her earlobes. You raised and eyebrow. She motioned you to walk to her with her hand.

"Sorry she gets lost sometimes", she said with a nervous laugh. The blond looked at you for a moment before turning around.

"tch, whatever just don't let her get in my way.", he said.

"You're okay?", she asked you as you were watching him walk away. You turned around nodding your head. "You can come sit with me if you like..", she offered.

"I'm Kyoka Jiro, and you?", she asked as she plopped down into the chair. You sat down on the other side of the table holding your bag into your lap. "Y/n, just call me y/n..", you said while looking down.

"Has he been bothering you or something?", she took a bite of her food. You glanced up at her and shook your head.

"Nah, I don't even know him. He probably has a problem with me", you said taking a sip of your drink. "Are you in class 1-a as well?",you asked. She nodded her head. "Don't worry, he won't hurt you. You can stick around with me if you want", she said.


  When lunch was over, you were heading back to class a little late after Midnight had dragged you into her office asking you about the boys in your class. When you walked in you see Present Mic asking the class some questions but then he turned to look at you.

"Sorry for coming late.." you said as you bowed. He gestured you to go to your desk next to Todoroki. You sat down opening up your bag pulling out the things you need.

"Hey Kaneki". Todoroki's voice had caught your attention making you look over.
"Could you maybe have an eraser I could borrow?", he said. You looked over to check your bag pulling one out handing it to him receiving a small 'thank you'. But something felt off. You felt eyes on you. You looked around noticing everyone is either paying attention or falling asleep.

  After class you were packing up ready to go back home when you felt someone touch your leg. You flinched and moved back ignoring you instincts to punch the person. You saw purple balls and a small arm pointing at something or more like someone.

"Look at that bod..", the person said in a perverted way. You looked at what he was pointing at, seeing it was a girl with long black hair tied up in a spiky ponytail with a large strand hanging on the right side of her face. You couldn't lie, she was pretty but the fact this kid was focusing on her body made you uncomfortable. You quickly walked away heading out the classroom.

  As you were heading out with the rest of the students, you bumped into someone. As you were about to apologize you heard the person yell, "WATCH IT YOU MORON!". You flinched, glancing up at the person.

Why do I keep bumping into him?, you asked to yourself.

"Why do you keep fucking seeing you?!", he yelled again. You saw a vein in his forehead pop. You moved away from him walking a little faster. "DONT IGNORE ME!", you heard him from behind you. You saw All Might in his hero costume at the end of the hallway, you quickly ran towards him. He saw you and waved but you moved past him hiding behind him. He looked confused for a second.

"WHERE IS SHE!?", you heard.

"Hello young Bakugou! Is there something you need?", All Might said.

Bakugou? Is that this kids name? Ill keep that in mind if this keep happening.

"tch.. no", you heard Bakugou say. He started walking away and when you felt like if he was gone you popped your head out looking around.

"Are you okay young Kaneki?", All Might asked you as he glanced down at you. You nodded and waved goodbye to him.

  As you left the building you felt your phone vibrate. Seeing it was a message from Aizawa.

I'll be home a little late. Is it okay to back
home alone?Do you want Mic to take you?.
no it's ok, I can walk home. Thanks for the offer.

  As you walked on the sidewalk you stopped by a little store. Now that you think of it, you didn't eat at school. You decided to go in and buy at least something.

"You again?are you going to steal from me?"

  You looked over to the direction of the voice. Oh shit, of course. This was the store you stole many times. You walked towards the old lady bowing in front of her.

"I'm sorry, at that moment I didn't have no money to buy food.", as you apologized to her you felt her hit you with a newspaper. You rubbed your head as you straighten up to look at her. She smiled at you. "Kids now these days just don't know how to talk to others", she said as she shook her head and crossed her arms.

  She let you off forgiving you as you tried to pay her back but she wouldn't let you. You opened your bag looking for your earplugs. That's when you heard a voice call out for you.


𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐄 - k.bakugou Where stories live. Discover now