Chapter 7

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your pov


I've just ruined things with Peter, I can't explain my feelings to him because I can't let myself be vulnerable, why am I so unable to let my guard down?

Peter is about to leave and I don't know what it is, I don't know what comes over me, maybe it's how his hair falls perfectly over his face or how good he looks in that tight shirt or the fact I can't stop replaying the moment from the other night when I walked in on him changing or maybe it's because whenever i'm with him, I feel safe, I forget about the rest of the world, it's just me and him, my whole crappy past disappears when I'm with him. 

I watch him throw open the door and for once I don't need to pause time to decide because i've already made up my mind. 

I stand up and walk with such pace and catch up to him at the door, I grab his arm and turn him around with such force, we stare at eachother for a beat before my lips crash in and meet his, my hands are one either side of his face and i can feel his sharp jawline contracting with the motion of the kiss, his hands trail down and over my ass sending shivers up and down my spine. My fingers find the hem of his shirt as they begin to trail up and down his lower back. With one arm he picks me up in one fluid motion and the other slams the door behind us. He throws me on the bed and tears off his shirt as he slides back down to meet me his lips are so soft and I can smell his green apple shampoo. My whole body is shaking I feel like jelly. I press against his chest to try and at least control that however i'm just met with a hard plane of muscle. not helping. somewhere along the way the cardigan I was wearing became unbuttoned and i'm now just lying beneath him in my bra and leggings. He kisses down my neck his body pressed so close to mine I can feel his warmth radiating through me. The kiss grows deeper and even more passionate which I didn't think was possible. I feel small hickeys being left on my neck as I lift his head back up to meet my lips again. I've been pressed up against him for what feels like forever and yet I don't ever want it to stop.

"hey y/n dinne-" Natasha swings open the door and stops staring wide eyed, peter throws himself off of me and i frantically cover myself with a blanket but it's too late, she's seen too much, "well, well sorry to interrupt" Nat snickers, my face burns with embarrassment "I was just coming in to say Cap made dinner but please continue" 

"Oh my God! I can't believe this is happening, please Nat pleeeaaassseee don't tell anyone" I beg

"Fine, your secrets safe with me, but i'm obviously going to tell steve" she giggles

I would've told them both anyway so I don't care if Steve knows "Yeah that's fine, thankyou so much seriously Nat I owe you one" 

"Don't worry about it, but seriously Cap made fajitas and they're delicious and it's first come first serve so hurry up" she winks at me before closing the door

"Soooo, we should probably go get some food right?" I say bringing my cardigan back over to me with my mind and slipping it over my arms 

"Yeah, yeah definitely. Orrrrr we could could pick up where we left off??" he smirks pulling me back onto the bed

"No, they'll all get suspicious and honestly if we carry on now I don't think I could stop again" i smirk 

"Fineee" he says getting out of bed, much to my dismay he puts his shirt back on and we both head out the door 

"Wait we can't walk out at the same time because then they'll all know" 

"I think you're overestimating how observant these guys are but okay" peter says as he places a soft kiss on my lips leaving me longing for more. 

I walk out of the hallway and greet the others 

"Woah y/n cover up" Clint says, confused I look down 

"shit shit shit" I skip back 30 seconds and button up my cardigan before walking out to meet them again "hi guys, ooo Cap something smells nice" Steve responds with a gracious smile. 

That was close, it's times like these i really love having powers...

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