Chapter 6

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peters pov


My head was still reeling from the other night, I can't believe I came that close to kissing y/n!!

Although now I don't know where we stand, she's been avoiding me for days and after I saw her having that very intense looking talk with Stark the other day I decided it would be best to let her have some space. However our mission finally starts tomorrow, I am taking y/n to Midtown tech and we haven't had one planning session so i figured tonight I should just brave it and go and speak to her on completely professional terms.

A few minutes later I'm stood outside her bedroom door trying to find the courage to knock on. I keep going to knock then falling away from the door and having to loop back around and try again. 

"just knock buddy" i hear a voice behind me as i turn to look of course it belongs to none other than Thor himself, a cheeky grin is spread across his face as my ears turn pink with embarrassment. But he's right i turn around and face y/n's door and just knock.

The door swings open and i'm met by a sweaty looking y/n in leggings and a sports bra with earphones hung around her neck. She looks shocked and I can't tell if she's going to invite me in or slam the door in my face 

"can I help you?" she asks as i realise I had been stood there for a couple of minutes without saying anything, I quickly glance up and down her body taking in her incredible figure. her eyes suddenly widen as i blink and notice she's no longer sweaty and her hair is neater than before. I have caught onto her tricks however by now so I know she just paused time to fix herself up which in a weird way makes me feel special, was she trying to make herself look nice for me? no of course not stupid question 

"yeah, sorry to bother you, its just our mission starts tomorrow and we haven't planned anything yet" I say smiling awkwardly ready for her to run away again at any moment. Her face relaxes when I say this.

"Omg yes!! I completely forgot about that" 

She ushers me in and brings out a large stack of coloured pens and notebooks. We're planning how we're going to gather information on this teacher. A few hours later we've completely lost track of time because we've just been talking and laughing.

"Okay wait, how are we going to help you blend in?" I say trying to get back on track with the mission 

"What do you mean?" she asks looking puzzled

"I mean you should probably join at least one club to really blend in as a student"

"Ugh fine, do you do any clubs?" She asks 

"Just the academic decathlon" I say with pride 

"You are such a dork!" she laughs "but fine if you do it i'll join"

When she says this i shoot her a look of confusion and hope. 

"I just mean because we're working together we should probably stick together right?"

I feel my face fall with disappointment "right..yeah" suddenly feeling very unwelcome and hurt I get up to go "well on that note...i'm gonna go to bed...night" I say staring at the floor 

"night..." she mumbles  "wait- i'm sorry about avoiding you the last few days, I was just really freaked out about what happened."

"w-why were you freaked out?" I ask with an element of hurt in my voice

"Just because you know what Tony's always saying... this is strictly professional, I would hate to screw up this mission because I let my feelings get in the way."

"so you have feelings?" i ask with a smirk

"w-what, i-i no, i mean y- i don't know i'm very confused right now I never let myself do this"

"do what?"

"I never let myself get close to someone"

"But why?"

"B-because lets just say i've not exactly had the best past, so now my level of trust for people is extremely low... but i can't explain it when i'm with you i want to i-i i don't know" she drifts off

"you want to what?" i ask an impatient tone creeping into my voice

"I-i-i" she trails off again

"fine nevermind" i say hurt as I begin to walk away i throw open the door when at the last second i feel y/n pull on my arm...

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