Chapter 19

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Y/n's pov


I hear a tap at the window, it's so faint and I'm in such a deep sleep at first I don't even hear it. But then there it goes again, a knock at the thin glass separating the hospital to the harsh outdoors. My eyes open wearily and I reach for my phone to check the time. The brightness burns my retinas but when they adjust I read it, 2:18am, I groan looking over to the window when yet another knock sounds. 

I turn on the light and open the blinds with my mind not wanting to leave the warmth of my bed. It's so dark I can hardly see anything I'm just making out shapes, I open the window next when I'm met with familiar brown curls and muscular jawline. Peter hangs upside down from outside the window, he very quietly slips into the room without making a sound, I smile thanking god he's here. 

"hey" I whisper smiling wearily 

"Y/n I'm so sorry to drop in like this but I couldn't stop thinking about you and how I was an ass and didn't even visit you before" he says, as he steps into the light I see his eyes are stained red, he's been crying, concern washes over me 

"Peter oh my god are you alright?" I say sitting up straighter "Sit down" I say crossing my legs leaving room for him

"I was just so worried about you y/n" He says sitting crossed legged opposite me

"Why? I'm just fine" I say softly taking his hand 

"But I had no idea, I mean you had a nose bleed and I didn't even know what it meant, I mean what if I hadn't mentioned it before, your symptoms could've gotten so much worse and it would be all my fault" He says lightly tracing over one of the bruises on my wrist

"Are you kidding me? No stop this, you can't blame yourself for any of this, this is all my fault, and I am so sorry this whole time I thought you were annoyed at me and I just felt so awful because I obviously can't leave but all I wanted to do was apologise to you" 

"No I could never be mad at you and you have nothing to be sorry about y/n I'm just so scared for you" he says with tears in his eyes

"Peter trust me okay I'll be fine, If these test results come back positive which they won't I will be fine, I've beaten this before I can do it again" I say my smile faltering as a tear falls down my cheek 

"It must get so tiring lying to everyone all the time" he says 

"what?" i say bewildered

"You, saying you're fine when I know you're not, I mean seriously y/n you are the most selfless person I know, I mean you are in hospital right now with the possibility of having cancer and yet you're still trying to make other people happy, take some time for yourself and let yourself be not okay with this, no one is expecting you to be" he says as a weight is lifted from my shoulders and I sigh in relief

"Peter I'm so sorry I haven't told you about my past, you are seriously one of the only people who truly understand me I mean you just lifted weeks of guilt and fear and anxiety in three sentences and I haven't even opened up to you" I say 

"It's okay y/n I don't expect anything from you" 

"But you should, and I'm going to tell you everything now if you'll let me?" I say hopefully 

"Yes, y/n I would love that" He says smiling 

"Okay so I guess it all kind of started when I was around five years old, I lived in a small cottage with my Mom and Dad, everything was perfect until one day I started coughing up blood and my parents obviously took me to the hospital and then we found out I had Leukemia, my parents were obviously devastated but we worked through it, I had multiple surgeries and relentless chemo for around three years, then I was clear when I was 8 and for a whole year we had this really great year where we went on holidays and lived our life because we'd been reminded of how easily it can be taken away. Until when I turned 9, the nosebleeds started and the bruises appeared similar to right now and we went to the hospital and it was the same thing again more chemo, more surgery, more sadness. I was fighting it really well for two years until one night I had been staying overnight at the hospital for weeks, my dad however was the one staying with me that night because when you're that young you're allowed one parent to stay with you and suddenly I woke up coughing up so much blood I couldn't breathe and I was losing so much blood it was dangerous, I got rushed into emergency surgery and my Mom was called, during the surgery I flat-lined and was clinically dead for over a minute they were worried even after I woke up that I would've suffered brain damage from the lack of oxygen that my brain received, however that was the least of my worries as, as my Mom was on her way to the hospital it was so early in the morning and so dark on the roads she closed her eyes for two seconds, just two seconds and she was asleep at the wheel. She swerved in front of a truck by mistake and was pronounced dead on the scene. When I woke up the police were in my room and told me everything, I didn't see my dad for week. But then around a month later I was clear, I had defeated cancer yet again and I went home to find the house in despair, there was not a crumb of actual food anywhere but just hundreds of empty beer bottles covering every surface and piling over in the trash. My mom's death really hit my dad hard and he was never really the same, he was unconscious most hours of the day, he couldn't sleep in his own bed anymore, he just lay on the couch and drank away the hours. For the next few months I spent my inheritance on the rent, medical bills and feeding my dads alcoholism after he hit me when I first refused."I stare at the ground for a moment 

"What happened to your dad?" Peter says almost speechless 

"A week before my birthday my dad finally rose from the couch, he walks into the kitchen and asks to take me on a drive, I knew full well he was drunk so I said no, he hit me again, then he grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me into the car. We sat in silence for 10 minutes until he gets onto the motorway and I finally break the silence and ask him where are we going? he said 'to be with mom' and turns into the oncoming traffic. The car flipped at least 3 times and when the paramedics came I was completely unconscious, when I awoke I had just come out of a 14 hour surgery and was told that my father was pronounced dead on arrival. I had no where to go, no family nothing. The adoption agencies were chasing after me so my home was no longer safe, I took to the streets and found a bench to sleep on every night, until, one night I'm awoken by none other than Tony Stark. He tells me everything will be okay and that he will take care of me and the rest is history" I say exhaling not knowing what to do or say next, feeling like I've just said too much but also so happy that I finally told him. It's not until i'm finished I realise I was crying but there were tear stains covering my hospital gown "Sorry have I said to much I-" I'm cut off by Peter pulling me into the tightest hug, I feel so safe in his clutch I never want him to let go. In fairness he latches on for quite a while but I'm thankful for it he simply whispers in my ear 

"Thankyou for telling me" and that's enough. He lays beside me and cuddles me in his strong arms and I fall asleep in his embrace feeling truly happy for the first time in years. 

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