Slip p5

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Peter tapped a tune into his steering wheel as he drove, humming faintly to the radio as it played a good song.

He turned it off and smirked as he approached Derek's loft, pulling into a space and leaving his car.

He listened for the heartbeats in the loft and noticed that there were a lot.

"Hm, must be a pack meeting." He smirked to himself as he went up the stairs.

He could tell that they were all silent and figured it was because of his arrival. They were, no doubt, trying to figure out who had arrived.

He opened the door and turned straight into the kitchen, grabbing a cup from a shelf and a bowl from the side.

He got some shredded wheat and began eating as he filled his cup with water.

Taking the two things he went towards the living room, not at all bothered by how much noise he'd been making or the fact that he took his nephew's food.

He paused when he heard someone crying, it was gradually getting louder and he had a horrible feeling that he knew who it was.


The group stayed silent as they listened to the person approaching the loft.

They let them self in and went straight to the kitchen, making a bit of a ruckus as they sounded like they went through some cupboards and turned on the tap.

Derek sighed in annoyance, "Peter, of course."

He spoke normally and none of them noticed that Stiles' head had shot up at the mention of the man's name.

He looked around expectantly and began crying loudly again, when he was sadly disappointed that his daddy still wasn't there.

The pack's conversation stopped and they turned to him in concern and growing horror, as his cries began picking up again, fresh tears now making their way down his cheeks.

He curled protectively around the hand on his face and soon he was wailing in pain and upset.

The others wanted to comfort him, but if they got closer it would only make him cry even more.

"Damn it Peter" was quietly muttered throughout the group.


Peter stilled as he heard someone curse his name and then the cries become wails.

He quickly rushed into the room and looked around at the situation.

The pack were all gathered on one side of the room while Stiles was in hysterics on the other side.

Peter sent them a furious look as he saw a little bit of blood on his baby boy's chin. He ignored their flinches at his look and quickly moved in Stiles's direction.

He got in front of Stiles and turned to place his bowl and drink on the table behind him before turning back to the vulnerable boy and crouching in front of him.

Stiles looked up slightly and his eyes widened as he finally saw his daddy.

Peter smiled reassuringly at him and pulled him forwards on the seat.

Stiles relaxed and dropped forward into Peter's arms, the man rubbing his back soothingly and combing his fingers through his hair as his crying slowly lessened until it was just hiccups and sniffles.

Peter pulled back slightly and saw him holding his cheek. He almost rounded on the others when he saw the blood but controlled himself at the last second and instead cupped his own larger hand over the younger's smaller one.

"Hey, baby boy. Can I see your cheek?"

Stiles sniffles quietly and whimpered as he tried to pull his hand away, the blood having stuck it slightly to his cheek.

Peter stopped him quickly and, instead,began to gently remove each of his little boy's fingers from his inflamed bleeding cheek.

Every time Stiles would wince, Peter would kiss his other cheek to soothe him.

When he finally removed his hand, he inspected the cut, it looked bad.

Stiles looked as though he was beginning to get upset again so Peter took his face in his hands and pecked his lips.

"Calm down, baby. Why don't we go and get you cleaned up and then we can get you changed into your favourite onesie and some new bunny hair clips that I got for you. Yeah? Does that sound good?"

Stiles nodded slowly and made grabby hands at Peter.

"Words, baby."

Stiles pouted but thought for a minute before trying again.

"Yes please, daddy."

Peter smiled kindly at him and stroked his hair gently, before scooping the boy up into his arms and settling him on his hip.

Peter pointedly ignored the incredulous and stunned looks coming from the others and walked straight past them, Stiles cuddled into his arms, and towards the steps which lead upstairs.

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